Were you a member of Chimpout Version 1 from 2008 on? Tell us about it!



I was ObongoLips and joined sometime in 2008. Hussein Obongo pushed me over the edge and I walked around spitting brass tacks for weeks when that coon got elected. I used to enjoy posting on CO. I'm glad CO is back up. I've posted on a couple of other forums but nothing has been as much fun as CO.

I'll bet the obongo apelections were rigged too.


Hi. Yes I was a member in ~ 2014 and as far as I can remember my name was 'niggersareevil.' Do you remember me? I also had some questions about how far u can go criticizing niggers as in is it limited to just africoons or can u bash other dark skinned groups? Cults? You know bc I remember like others here have mentioned how free speech and everything was from 2008-2015. In 2015 summer/fall/winter and early 2016 some really crazy and bad shit happened to me and after those events the censorship, abuse and persecution levels went through the roof. So thats why I asked what groups can you bash here bc damn do I have some bean spilling stories to tell about nigs and the "left" and others. Thanks.

UK Darkie Destroyer

Riot Control
Staff member
Hi. Yes I was a member in ~ 2014 and as far as I can remember my name was 'niggersareevil.' Do you remember me? I also had some questions about how far u can go criticizing niggers as in is it limited to just africoons or can u bash other dark skinned groups? Cults? You know bc I remember like others here have mentioned how free speech and everything was from 2008-2015. In 2015 summer/fall/winter and early 2016 some really crazy and bad shit happened to me and after those events the censorship, abuse and persecution levels went through the roof. So thats why I asked what groups can you bash here bc damn do I have some bean spilling stories to tell about nigs and the "left" and others. Thanks.
We just bash niggers, coal burners and their enablers here. You can critisize them as much as you want upto calling for violence against them because thats illegal and will get us shut down.

Pistol packing white girl

I moved from a nigger and rag head infested area into rural area where there are no niggers or sand niggers around

UK Darkie Destroyer

Riot Control
Staff member
I moved from a nigger and rag head infested area into rural area where there are no niggers or sand niggers around
Thats really great to hear !
And puts a big smile on our faces to hear from our members who have done well for themselves.

People come here to unload and unwind from the day to day stress of living or working in, around or having to deal with the vibrancy and cultural enrichment that niggers, wiggers, leftists and other assorted lower life forms that challenge our patience, pocket and even our health everyday.

Chimpout. Its cheaper than therapy.

What was you screen name when you were a member previously? Can you remember ?

6 Pac O'coors

Well-known member
I lurked around the site for about 5 years. I thought it belonged to Shelly. One day, about 6 months ago I joined. I had read the rules but couldn't help mentioning how niggers were the "you know who's" favorite pets. Immediately banned. No problem. Just happened upon your site. I'll probably lurk here, reading all the posts. Not much for any kind of social media. I'm banned for life from most. Everybody is scared shitless to use the word bigger. I'm 62 and I don't give a fuck. My name was fknstr.
Are we not allowed to mention Jews here? hell they use the jigs as shields in every aspect. Snivil rights pawns.


Well-known member
I was here, this was my PFP. Its a shame the site went phantom for so long, there were so many nigger riots and BLM chimpouts to watch live and discuss. I signed up for CM and NM but both those sites just didnt have the same vibe.
muhdikk nigger kfc.jpg

Touchdown Dance

What made it unique was that it stayed on the topic of niggers. Nobody does that now. It's a lost art.

Just Say No To Niggers

I was Just Say No To Niggers in 2008. I recognize a few of the names on here from the days of old. I recall many a drunken chat and skype convo with some of you lol.