Registration or Login Issues



Hey TNB haters!! This is HellinDetroit!! I just got a new phone and new cell number.
The problem is that I forgot my password. I swear to my fellow humans that I'm not a nigger or communist spie! I need my chimpout!! I've tried emailing my password reset two times with no luck !!

DePlasmatikon Gibs

Jr. Administration
Staff member
Hey TNB haters!! This is HellinDetroit!! I just got a new phone and new cell number.
The problem is that I forgot my password. I swear to my fellow humans that I'm not a nigger or communist spie! I need my chimpout!! I've tried emailing my password reset two times with no luck !!
PW was mailed to the address you registered with. Check back to this thread if you still have problems.

nigger free utopia

Hey Chimpers - this is Darth Sambo. I had to get a new computer, and for reasons only known to Microsoft or Google, my password was not saved and the multiple requests to have an email link sent failed miserably. Are any Admins available to assist and get me back on the forum?

DaProphet's Soul

DaProphet Here, i need to recover my Lost password since i've been logged out and my account for recovery is Gmail, any assistance?

Password reset

This is Darth Sambo. Another magic 'clear cache and cookies' wonder tip to help my computer, and I'm locked out of my account. A little help would be welcome!

Count Niggula locked down

Hey - it’s Count Niggula. I having some browser problems, which lead to login problems. If some higher power could unlock my login access point, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.


I can't log in and I can't get this site to send me a link to do a new password.

--Sulla Felix