OJ Simpson is Daid n’ sheeeit

New Minority

Despite jury members stating they knew he was guilty, and acted unlawfully in their duties, there were no repercussions to either OJ or the people involved due to their race. I am glad for the OJ sham, as I still reference it to confuse liberals into admitting their professed beliefs are heavily flawed.
He was a nigger, that beat the system and was exonerated from punishment solely on the basis of color and money and proved justice is corrupt.

The Captain

Despite jury members stating they knew he was guilty, and acted unlawfully in their duties, there were no repercussions to either OJ or the people involved due to their race. I am glad for the OJ sham, as I still reference it to confuse liberals into admitting their professed beliefs are heavily flawed.
He was a nigger, that beat the system and was exonerated from punishment solely on the basis of color and money and proved justice is corrupt.
But in the end, it had to face Almighty God and we know that he is WHITE!
(Roast in Peace?)

Disco Duck

Well-known member
I remember the trial like it was yesterday. GOODBYE MURDER MONKEY!
I do too. Alot of people don't know but OJ was like a white man's nig before all this. He did Hertz ads and all that sheeit. Hung out with old YT's golfing. I remember a People magazine cover "The OJ nobody knew" right after the murder. To be fair, Nicole was not the brightest crayon in the box. She is the definition of mudshark trophy wife. Her and her bff Kris Jenner.


Well-known member

Booney N.

Many ape-pologies for bumping this one, but I wonder if The Juice will have flown 2000 yards with it’s new bat wings in one season of purgatory? :think:

Buddy Research


I hereby proclaim October 10Th as a day of celebration of the demise of hated coon O.J. Simpson.
Dat foo? Sheet. He be Daid? He wuz all jess plain tom fool crayzeh alls da time runnin' roun' looking fo his HAID. Murdering crackas? Gibbs me a haught Doague and fries and throw sum cheese on the mo'fucka . Dats my two cents.

Uncle Buck

Well-known member
Even if he had not murdered two people I couldn't stand that nigger.
He was arrogant and uppity. His only skill was running fast while carrying a ball. In a sane world no white person would pay the slightest attention to him.

The Captain

Even if he had not murdered two people I couldn't stand that nigger.
He was arrogant and uppity. His only skill was running fast while carrying a ball. In a sane world no white person would pay the slightest attention to him.
'His only skill was running fast.........' a 'Skill' (?) which is in the Niggers DNA having had to 'Chase down' their daily food source in Afreaka and escape from hungry, unfussy, jungle predators. In modern times it helps them 'Win' any contest having a Baw (eg. Baakabaw or Feetsbaw) and of course means they can generally split the crime scene before the 'PO/PO' show up or whenever they hear some young Buck call out 'Hi Dad!'