Worst case of suicide he'd ever seen


Well-known member
What's yellow and black and makes you laugh ?
A bus full of niggers going over a cliff.

What's a crying shame?
When a bus full of niggers drives off a cliff and there were 3 empty seats.

A black woman was filling out forms at the welfare office. Under "Number
of children," she wrote "10," and where it said "List names of
children," she wrote "Leroy." When she handed in the form, the woman
behind the desk pointed out: "Now here where it says "List names of
children," you're supposed to write the names of each one of your
children." "Dey all named Leroy," said the black woman. "That's very
unusual. When you call them, how do they know which one you want?" asked
the welfare worker. "Oh, den I uses the last names."

What do you call a nigger hitchhiker?

What do black men do after sex?
15 years to life.

What are the 3 things you cannot give a black guy?
A fat lip, a black eye, or a job.

What did the Alabama sherriff call the nigger who had been shot 37 times?
Worst case of suicide he had ever seen.

I've got this black friend... just kidding.

Someone just knocked on the door selling raffle tickets for poor black
I said "Fuck that, with my luck I'd probably win one"

What happens to black people after they die?
Nigger Mortis.

What repulsive thing can be found in a nigger's clothes?
The nigger.

What do you call an all-black beach?
A litter box.

A nigger walks into a bar with a pig. The bar man shouts "Oy, you can't
bring that in here!"
To which the pig replies, "sorry man, it won't happen again."

What do you get when you cross a nigger and a gorilla?
A really stupid gorilla.

Have you heard scientists have bred a nigger with an octopus?
It's an ugly fucker, but it sure can pick cotton.

3 kids in school one day.
The teacher asks them, "What do cows say?"
Amy replies "moo!"
Teacher then asks, "What do sheep say?"
Jack replies, "baa!"
Teacher then asks, "What do pigs say?"
Leroy says "Freeze motherfuckin' nigger, what's in the fuckin' bag?"

A white man walks into a bar and notices a black bartender.
"I'll have a beer, nigger" says the white man.
"Hey there is no need for you talk to me like that. How would you like
it if I talked like that to you?" says the black bartender.
"Why don't we swap places and find out?" says the white man.
The white man and black bartender swap places.
The black bartender walks up to the white man who is now behind the bar
and says "Hey you honkey, give me a fucking beer!".
The white man replies back with "Sorry we don't server niggers here!"

I've always got on with my neighbors. That was until we had a black
family move in next door. Suddenly everything changed. Doors were
constantly being slammed, there was shouting and music was played at
full blast into the small hours.
Despite trying all that, I still couldn't get that damn black family to
move out.

The Pope, a boyscout, and the smartest nigger in the world are on an airplane. The engines fail, the plane starts going down, and there is only 2 parachutes. The smartest nigger in the world says, "Due to my extraordinarily high intelligence, I believe it is imperative that I survive and continue to show my people the path to greatness." He grabs a parachute and jumps out of the plane. The Pope tells the boyscout, "I am an old man and I am ready to meet God, so you may use the remaining parachute, my son." The boyscout replies, "No, that's cool Pope, we both have parachutes ... because that nigger just jumped out of the plane with my backpack on."

A guy walks into a bar and exclaims, "Goddamn, niggers are fucking assholes!" Someone at the end of the bar says, "Hey, I am offended by that!" "Why, you aren't a nigger." ... "I know, I'm a fucking asshole!"
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