Wizard of Oz witch was a nigger in case you didn’t know

Another Postcard

Well-known member

🙄🙄🙄here we go yet again. Let’s play swap the races. Saw this monstrosity during the Super Bowl. The nigger is about the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t sure if this was another planet of the apes commercial at first. Couldn’t understand why Caesar was green…fucking monkey. Hopefully another flop. Speaking of the Super Bowl, heard that it’s a big deal the chiefs won because it’s a black quarterback. Like 99% of the fucking players are black, heaven forbid someone white has an important role in the game. I swear to God, I say it over and over and over and no one gets it: the niggers want it ALL!!!!!! They want that toothbrush you just threw away, they want your old socks with a hole in them, they want the food you discard just because you had it and they want it. They will not rest until everything is under their control and they have rewritten history in their simian image….


When a teenager we used to babysit for a friends older sister's kids in exchange for "libations" illegal for teenagers. We would turn the tint control on the TV to green and tell the kids to check out the green niggers . They liked it LOL.

🙄🙄🙄here we go yet again. Let’s play swap the races. Saw this monstrosity during the Super Bowl. The nigger is about the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t sure if this was another planet of the apes commercial at first. Couldn’t understand why Caesar was green…fucking monkey. Hopefully another flop. Speaking of the Super Bowl, heard that it’s a big deal the chiefs won because it’s a black quarterback. Like 99% of the fucking players are black, heaven forbid someone white has an important role in the game. I swear to God, I say it over and over and over and no one gets it: the niggers want it ALL!!!!!! They want that toothbrush you just threw away, they want your old socks with a hole in them, they want the food you discard just because you had it and they want it. They will not rest until everything is under their control and they have rewritten history in their simian image….
About 4-5 years ago, Philadelphia won, on a hunch , and strictly out of curiosity, I searched "NFL team with the most white players.
Any guesses?