Where has this place been hiding


Yes, but you should also be allowed to own them "some place else" like Africa while you sit comfy at home.

Imagine everybody in the world would own a nigger and could command him: go to Apefrica. Problem solved, all niggers would go to Africa because there are still more humans than niggers in this world. Anyway, the veterinary should take care to neuter them before sending them abroad.
If you had one stuffed and mounted would you be able to tell any difference? The stuffed version might be more useful i.e As a doorstop, to hang things on or as a scarecrow much more useful than the unstuffed version and then when you are fed up of it gathering dust as all niggers do you can give it to the kids to chuck on the bonfire on Guy Fawkes night, at last a nigger that can multitask.
There are a lot of potholes around that need filling. They can use my nigger.