"Where da SAFETY SWITCH on dis fang?" Asked no nigger ever...

DePlasmatikon Gibs

Jr. Administration
Staff member
nigger.jpgnigger.jpg :traybat:
MERRILLVILLE, Ind. (WLS) -- A turdler was killed in an apparent accidental shooting in Northwest Indiana on Monday evening, police said.

Medics arrived on the scene first, and started working on the victim, later identified as King Penro, in an ambulance before transporting him to Methodist Hospital Southlake Campus for treatment, police said.

Police said officers on the scene had to restrain a fambly member of the chyle due to their emotional state.
:lol: :mama:

It is unclear how the nigger boy was shot. Police said the shooting appears to be accidental, but did not immediately provide further details about the circumstances leading up to the gunfire.

A weapon was recovered at the home. Only one round had been fired.
Meh..... If a single round was enough to kill this hellspawn, he must have caught it in his privates. :mock:


Probably self-goodified because "the victim’s fambly is fully cooperating with the investigation". These stupid apes think if he did it to himself they're in the clear. Not so fast, Tyrone! The one who owned (stole) and failed to secure the gun will face charges.

