What Nigger Encounter Opened Your Eyes?

Nate Higgerz

Well-known member
I’m sure a thread like this has been created already. But maybe an updated one is in order so new members and curious eyes can see the truth without having to go through it themselves.

I’ll start with mine:

I was born in a country other than the US. My father worked at a multinational corporation and was legally transferred to the USA. And thus, our family was sponsored for our green cards and, after some time, our full American Citizenship.

When I first stepped in American soil, I was 6 years old and always loved the USA. From a very young age, I have always admired the loyalty and patriotism that people (then) proudly displayed outside their homes in the form of flags and national symbols such as the bald eagle and military stickers on cars and trucks. Something unimaginable in my home country.

As I matured, I realized the true potential of America and why it was called the land of opportunity. This country is the only place on earth that, despite what liberals say on tv, you can actually be anything you want if you REALLY want it. Due to this, I quickly assimilated and couldn’t wait for the day where I could qualify for my citizenship and swear my pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

But anyways, this story is about when I first noticed the nigger phenomena.

It started In middle school. I immediately noticed how the blacks were significantly more “animalistic” than the ones back where I was from. Initially I chalked it up to me not being 100% used to the culture and a small language barrier although my English was fairly good for someone my age. I also realized that remedial classes and “liberal arts” classes (something new to me at the time) were filled with primarily niggers and other lazy-looking people. Little did I know but those were the first red flags of the black menace.

Later in the school year I had the misfortune of being asked to sit in front of your typical middle school nigger who didn’t give two shits about anything or anyone. As a more reserved and introvert student, I was heavily picked on and teased non-stop by this monkey. One day in Algebra class, this animal threw a AA battery that bounded off the cabinet next to me and then hit me in the back of the head causing a small bleed. The nog then starts laughing and giving me a yellow smile that made my blood boil. I had had enough, I picked up said battery and was about to bury it deep into that nigger’s skull when the teacher stopped me before I went to juvie. Funny enough, nothing happened to said animal and I got to spend a few days cleaning a wound on the back of my head that bled everyday when I went to sleep.

High School is when the truth finally presented itself to me. Half of the niggers in middle school had either dropped out, died or were arrested before their first year in high school. The one from my algebra class? It OD’ed on some sort of laced weed the year prior. While all the cheerleaders cried and wore black ribbons around their arms, I was overjoyed with the great news.

That’s when it clicked that there had to be a reason for the majority of those useless beasts to not even see puberty. And if they did, they would either cause problems for other people who were minding their own business or be the problem themselves. From there on I decided to avoid the groid. Trouble seemed to follow them and those around them, I wanted no part of it.

Fast forward to today, that advice has proven itself useful. Avoid the groid and distance yourself vertically and laterally from them on your workplace. Those same niggers from high school are flipping burgers still and I’m in a highly successful job.

“Avoid the Groid”
I’m sure a thread like this has been created already. But maybe an updated one is in order so new members and curious eyes can see the truth without having to go through it themselves.

I’ll start with mine:

I was born in a country other than the US. My father worked at a multinational corporation and was legally transferred to the USA. And thus, our family was sponsored for our green cards and, after some time, our full American Citizenship.

When I first stepped in American soil, I was 6 years old and always loved the USA. From a very young age, I have always admired the loyalty and patriotism that people (then) proudly displayed outside their homes in the form of flags and national symbols such as the bald eagle and military stickers on cars and trucks. Something unimaginable in my home country.

As I matured, I realized the true potential of America and why it was called the land of opportunity. This country is the only place on earth that, despite what liberals say on tv, you can actually be anything you want if you REALLY want it. Due to this, I quickly assimilated and couldn’t wait for the day where I could qualify for my citizenship and swear my pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

But anyways, this story is about when I first noticed the nigger phenomena.

It started In middle school. I immediately noticed how the blacks were significantly more “animalistic” than the ones back where I was from. Initially I chalked it up to me not being 100% used to the culture and a small language barrier although my English was fairly good for someone my age. I also realized that remedial classes and “liberal arts” classes (something new to me at the time) were filled with primarily niggers and other lazy-looking people. Little did I know but those were the first red flags of the black menace.

Later in the school year I had the misfortune of being asked to sit in front of your typical middle school nigger who didn’t give two shits about anything or anyone. As a more reserved and introvert student, I was heavily picked on and teased non-stop by this monkey. One day in Algebra class, this animal threw a AA battery that bounded off the cabinet next to me and then hit me in the back of the head causing a small bleed. The nog then starts laughing and giving me a yellow smile that made my blood boil. I had had enough, I picked up said battery and was about to bury it deep into that nigger’s skull when the teacher stopped me before I went to juvie. Funny enough, nothing happened to said animal and I got to spend a few days cleaning a wound on the back of my head that bled everyday when I went to sleep.

High School is when the truth finally presented itself to me. Half of the niggers in middle school had either dropped out, died or were arrested before their first year in high school. The one from my algebra class? It OD’ed on some sort of laced weed the year prior. While all the cheerleaders cried and wore black ribbons around their arms, I was overjoyed with the great news.

That’s when it clicked that there had to be a reason for the majority of those useless beasts to not even see puberty. And if they did, they would either cause problems for other people who were minding their own business or be the problem themselves. From there on I decided to avoid the groid. Trouble seemed to follow them and those around them, I wanted no part of it.

Fast forward to today, that advice has proven itself useful. Avoid the groid and distance yourself vertically and laterally from them on your workplace. Those same niggers from high school are flipping burgers still and I’m in a highly successful job.

“Avoid the Groid”
I used to be a brainwashed liberal and I used to believe some niggers are good so I used to ignore what I now know about the planets of the apes. Their standard evil 😈 ways and their pattern of rioting and looting.

St turd Floyd was the final straw.



Lane's Ghost

Well-known member
It was more of a gradual awakening than a single moment. I was reflecting on all of my coontacts over the years and realized that something got f***Ed up EVERY LAST TIME I had dealings with these beasts. Then I started doing a bit of research into the differences between the species (Crime stats, IQ numbers, etc) and the double standard of behavior. I then realized that everything I had been taught was wrong.

Black Gorilla Jr.

Well-known member
I used to be a brainwashed liberal and I used to believe some niggers are good so I used to ignore what I now know about the planets of the apes. Their standard evil 😈 ways and their pattern of rioting and looting.

St turd Floyd was the final straw.

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Exactly the same for me..i grew up sheltered.. all white surroundings but i developed a hated of the rich yuppies (left and right wing) in my teenage years.. all the yuppies talk about much money and toys they have yet they say nothing of intelligence while preaching all that greed is good bullshit while they live on do nothing government jobs..… the hypocrisy of it all made me sick so i started out as sort of a anti government leftist..… then well i got into alex jones and that crowd way back in 2002 when i realized 911 was a farse… then i had to ask myself why these cuckseratives keep praising niggers who everybody knows will forever vote 98% commie dumocrap, and live en mass off welfare money stolen from the working class…. and martin looter koon who everyone knew was a far leftist who did nothing to make usa a better country.. so why is the self proclaimed “far right” praising this koon? So i started listening to other programs like jeff rense and david duke who did a lot to educated us about niggers and the lies we have been told and explained why things in the republicuck party made no sense..

Plus Working so many years and not making much money due to high taxes while niggers live free off our backs…. That makes you start hating the vermin… then 5 million niggers start rioting and looting over worthless thugs known as the BLM movement should be enough to make any decent human hate niggers with a passion… so much i joined some kkk groups and here i am.. but BLM was the straw that convinced me niggers are the worlds #1 pest.
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Exactly the same for me..i grew up sheltered.. all white surroundings but i developed a hated of the rich yuppies (left and right wing) in my teenage years.. all the yuppies talk about much money and toys they have yet they say nothing of intelligence while preaching all that greed is good bullshit while they live on do nothing government jobs..… the hypocrisy of it all made me sick so i started out as sort of a anti government leftist..… then well i got into alex jones and that crowd way back in 2002 when i realized 911 was a farse… then i had to ask myself why these cuckseratives keep praising niggers who everybody knows will forever vote 98% commie dumocrap, and live en mass off welfare money stolen from the working class…. and martin looter koon who everyone knew was a far leftist who did nothing to make usa a better country.. so why is the self proclaimed “far right” praising this koon? So i started listening to other programs like jeff rense and david duke who did a lot to educated us about niggers and the lies we have been told and explained why things in the republicuck party made no sense..

Plus Working so many years and not making much money due to high taxes while niggers live free off our backs…. That makes you start hating the vermin… then 5 million niggers start rioting and looting over worthless thugs known as the BLM movement should be enough to make any decent human hate niggers with a passion… so much i joined some kkk groups and here i am.. but BLM was the straw that convinced me niggers are the worlds #1 pest.
Plus Working so many years and not making much money due to high taxes while niggers live free off our backs…. That makes you start hating the vermin…

Brilliant well said:thumbsup:

The simian savage niggers are dependent upon the evil insane liberal white man to have any quality of life beyond what living in a nigger country could ever provide.

Sane humans are made to pay for the living cost of worthless nigger parasites.


Well-known member
There are so many of them I could write a 4 page essay...
I guess that's what happens when you go to a 99.9% pavement ape Junior high and High school. When niggers are at their feral-est.
It's just unbelievable like things you might think could only happen in a zoo.

a few things you learn right away:
-99.99% (pretty much ALL) niggers deep down hate whitey and want you dead.
-niggers can and will do anything to others at any time because they don't think at all about consequences. Anything you can imagine no matter how indecent, unfair, unwarranted, unprovoked, they'll do it in a second.
-niggers will gang up on anyone, and enjoy doing so.
-niggers will do absolutely anything to a woman, elderly, or teacher, extreme violence towards females a daily occurance.
-niggers like to laugh hysterically when someone gets badly hurt.
-niggers always follow the nigger herd

I'd have to say the Reginald Denny incident and video really upped my hatred of street apes.
Another time I was in Vegas and some security guard got gang beaten by a pack of niggers in a parking garage. It was at MGM grand. Do not look that video up unless you want your blood pressure to go through the roof with anger.

some more things about niggers:
they're constantly littering, spitting, throwing food, spitting, littering some more.
throwing nickels as hard as they could toward the front of the bus was the niggerbucks favorite thing to do on the bus ride. Hurting girls at the front badly, threatening the bus driver, harassing the bus driver constantly. Stealing any and everything, from anyone, always trying to get into your bag or someone elses bag and steal. All they talk about is racism yet I never saw any of them experience it ever. In fact they were always the instigators and the assholes but had to act like it was the other way around. They always dindu nuffin, even though they actually did everything the were accused of, and MUCH more. They are lying , theiving, jungle apes. I guess that's why I hear in Africa they have to threaten to cut off their hands if they steal, because nothing short of that will stop a nigger from stealing. When investigating, you should always assume that they are lying first, because that's what they all do.

That AA battery throwing thing yes niggers were doing that type of shit all the time.

let me add one more thing, niggerbucks in 10th grade could not do 2nd grade math, most of them could not write at all, to watch them try to spell LOL. A few could read properly, most just read super slow and stuttery. Science skills non-existant, art skills were a complete joke. LOL at their art attempts! You couldn't teach these apes anything. They would not even try to listen. I took a Spanish class full of niggers and I don't think even one nigger learned even one word of Spanish, or even tried to. This was in 10th grade and these apes were obviously passed just to get them out because they should not have ever passed 2nd grade with such skills.
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Well-known member
One day in Algebra class, this animal threw a AA battery that bounded off the cabinet next to me and then hit me in the back of the head causing a small bleed. The nog then starts laughing and giving me a yellow smile that made my blood boil.
I have dozens of stories like this except way worse. The ones that did not happen to me, the memory of seeing it happen to others bothers me. I feel now like I should have done something.
In 8th grade I still very small boy and the nigger bucks were gigantic fully grown chimps most of them.

I know the nigger animal only respects animal violence so these king kong nigger apes seemed like too big for me to confront at the time. Fact is there were too many of them and they often ganged up on people.

In my day at my 99.9% nigger skoo the nigger would have thrown it directly at your head hard as it could on purpose.

Niggers behind you were always a big problem. They'd "gleek" on you (spit all over you). Spit sunflower seeds or other nigger chow. They'd scratch a pen on the desk back and forth super fast until it got burning hot then they'd burn you in the neck. Next month it'd be snapping rubber band on ppl's neck. Next month stabbing with pencil lead. Next month (and this was a bad one) niggers started using a baloon wrapped around a BB to "snap" other niggers in the neck.
Have to put your backpack under your desk because if you put it on back of chair, guess what.
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Well-known member

Niggers are apes

Well-known member
My first week of school I was only five years old. A nigger pulled out a knife to threaten me and made me give him a toy I was playing with. When I told the teacher the principal took the nigger's knife and said it was just for cutting tomatoes and nothing to be concerned about. Even at five years old I knew the act of robbing someone with a knife was wrong regardless of the type of knife and I learned a valuable lesson that the nigger is a weapon of his enabler.