Welcome to Nigmerica!

Welcome to Nigmerica..We hope you have a pleasant stay in Nig York City. With Romantic, cool and unique hotels & restaurants.


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The one thing many people aren't saying is that niggers have always been responsible for the high number of crimes in America. I'd say nearly 95% of the crimes in America are coonmitted by niggers. It's only up till recently that many people are noticing the high crimes, but that's because there's significantly a higher number of nigger population in America, making it seem like crime rates are higher.

We hope you have a pleasant stay in Nig York City
New York City is a classic example of where corrupt politicians want to take every single city in America to. The goal is to squeeze Americans out of owning homes, cars, etc... and have things within walking or traveling distance. Many big cities like New York City tries to emulate many of the populous cities found in Asia where shops/stores, etc... are within walking distance or easily traveled to via trains and buses.

This model apparently doesn't work, where you have dangerous predatory, savage niggers roaming about looking for victims and when there's no easy victim(s) within reach, niggers will apettack local shops, etc...

During my travels overseas in Asia (before Covid), a majority of the population there don't even need to drive. Everything is within walking distance and you didn't have to worry about niggers or crimes. I didn't even need to rent a car (when I was there). Just get on a train or bus (if you need to travel far) and get off at your destination. Shops are also within walking distance and the quality of service many of those shops are above excellent and best of all, you didn't even need to tip (since they don't take tips), so you can have extra spending money for other things.