Understanding the Negro mind, Part I

New Minority

[Note: This was posted on the old Chimpout.com site. I was lucky enough to snag a copy before it disappeared into the ether. ]

Often people will ask, "Why does the Negro do this?" or "Why did the Negro do that?" It is pretty much akin to asking why dogs bark, why cats climb trees, or why birds fly. They just do — their primitive brains are hard-wired in a manner that is incompatible with Human logic.

God only knows what really goes on inside the chimp’s brain-pan, but we can identify certain behaviors that seem to be consistent among the species:

1) "LOOK-A-ME!" This is the basic 24-hour a day / 7 days a week behavior that the Negro employs to get attention. This is basically why Negroes wear the most idiotic outfits, have 10 pounds of fake "bling" around their necks, blare their stereos, talk at the top of their voice at all times, etc., etc. It is all a ploy to get noticed and stand out from the other members of the Chimp Pack in an attempt to get food, money, or sex.

2) "GIBS-MUH!" Now that the Negro has your attention, it will attempt to extort spare change, get free Government Cheese, FEMA checks, or even the rims off of your car. The Negro, suffering from an inferiority complex by nature, is also perpetually lazy and stupid, and therefore blames all of its problems on Whitey — seeking free handouts as a never-ending form of compensation for imagined wrongdoings.

3) "MUH-DIK" This is the primary driver of Negro behavior. Everything to a Negro revolves around sex — whether it’s with an unwilling victim, farm animals, patio furniture, a Brother on the "Down-Low", or a female member of it’s own species. Negroes have an unusually strong sex drive because basically the species would have died out 10’s of thousands of years ago if they weren't genetically programmed to screw even the ugliest, most disgusting member of the opposite sex in response to Nature’s demand to perpetuate the species.

4) "BLING-BLING": Birds and Rodents are inexplicably drawn to shiny metal objects, and so it is with the Negro. Just as a Pack Rat will stuff its nest with all manner of useless bits of shiny metal, the Negro similarly adorns itself and its "crib" with the cheapest, gaudiest glittery metallic crap. Negroes in the Congo are literally walking around on top of raw diamonds and couldn't care less, yet they will sacrifice themselves like Lemmings in an attempt to steal that sweet, and oh so seductive, shiny copper from High Voltage power lines. You could chrome plate a dog turd and somewhere a Negro would absolutely think it was the greatest thing on earth.

5) "DAT-ASS": The bigger the butt, the better — even to circus proportions, at least according to the Negro. Interestingly this is a universal trait among Negroids scattered worldwide. I am at a loss to explain this, other than perhaps, just perhaps, that barely repressed Cannibalistic portion of their disgusting Simian cerebral cortex views their mates as potential sources of food in the even of some type of calamity. When they say, "Damn, Dat ass sho’ looks fine" it may have a ulterior, and sinister, motive behind it!

6) "SCALDING HOT WATER": What the hell is it with Negroes and boiling water? It seems to be their weapon of choice when disputes erupt in their domicile, but think about it…. how often do you "just happen" to have boiling water just laying around your kitchen all day long and at all hours of the night??? Don’t be fooled — if you see a Negro boiling water, trouble will follow. Someone or Something is going to get its ass scalded! As superstitious as these apes are, I think that they really believe that there’s an evil Jumbi in the water that they’re unleashing onto their victims. "I didn’t do nuffin’ – deys an evils Jumbi in dey watah dat jus’ flew out and burned muh husband while we wuz argueing an’ sheet!"

7) "40’s and a BLUNT": The Negro’s mutated chimp brain can make quite an internal racket, and they only way that the Negroid can shut the troublesome Inner Chattering Monkey off for awhile is to drown its ass in alcohol and subdue it with drugs. Not a bad plan, as the troublesome "thinking" part of their brains is the one that houses such bothersome emotions such
as "Guilt", "Consequences", "Remorse", "Responsibility", "Planning", "Honesty", "Intellect", "Charity", and a zillion other painfully excruciating thoughts that can interfere with the normal criminal (i.e., jungle) mental process that the Upright Chimp feels quite at home with.

8) "FRUIT JUICE": Negroes absolutely go ape over any fruit-flavored drink such as Tiki Punch or Kool-Aid. This is hard wired into their chimp brain pan, and like the appendix, appears to be a vestigial remnant from earlier times. The Negro in the distant past was a lazy, useless scrounger — finding ripe and rotting fruit on the ground was a major component of their diet being that they were too stupid and lethargic to actually go hunt something. Negroes today survive on free Government Cheese, Welfare, FEMA Checks, and hand-outs from YT, but the Inner Chimp still gets all excited when brightly colored fruit drinks are served and will consume them in gluttonous amounts.

9) "WHITE WIMMINZ": Often people will ask, "Why don’t they just stick to their own kind?" The answer is simple — have you SEEN the females of their species?!! The typical Negroid Sow is commonly a disgusting fat-assed disease ridden baboon which will indiscriminately mate with anything. Even good-looking "Women of Color" such as Halle Barry, Beyonce, and Mariah Carey have been enhanced by copious amounts of Human DNA in their lineage and are more distantly removed from their Negroid roots than they’d care to admit — but still a lot of make-up and plastic surgery has been used to make them look more Human.

10) "PUBLIC HUGGING": Males of the Negroid species will commonly make a great scene of hugging each other in public places where White Wimminz congregate. This is to draw attention to themselves (typical "Look-A-Me" behavior) and to make unsuspecting White Females think that Negroes are fun to be around, and that it is OK to touch them. It is not! Girls, don’t fall for this trap, Negroes are just Negroes even if bleach them white and send them to Oxford for an education. The Inner Chimp still awaits the right moment, and you will ultimately be raped, murdered, tortured, robbed, burned alive, hacked to death, or any number of other bad endings. Just say No to the Negro!

Attached is the copy I found, with 91 entries - A must read list, which is still as accurate today, as when it was written.


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Salt N ViNigger

Well-known member
The nigger mind is very simple:

"Muh Dik. Me want banana."

Yes, you can always break down the average Joe's thought process into several different branches.

1. Avoiding work
2. Talking Shit
3. Eating/Drinking non stop
4. Violence
5. Theft
6. Flashy dress
7. Free Gibbs

The basic activities they can be counted upon to put ANY effort into if it's necessary. Thankfully, for them, the world is becoming more and more adept at covering for their lack of even the basics of existence and hands these items over to them willingly because of some perceived notion of slavery they never went through or the fictional, mystical white man behind the curtain "keeping them down."

Salt N ViNigger

Well-known member
Their mind is remarkably similar to a fish. They see something shiny or attractive to their simian brain, it catches their attention if they manage to NOT be high on crack or weed, and they try to get it without thinking. They only have a few basic impulses: Fuck it, kill it, eat it. No wonder they have never contributed a single thing to decent, civilized society in the history of time.


My attempts to understand the mentality of Homo africoonus has met with little real success, but some voracious reading has helped. Most of the people on this forum have surely read them already, but for any who haven't I recommend:

1. Erectus Walks Amongst Us, Richard D. Fuerle, 2008
2. Negros In Negroland, Hinton Rowan Helper, 1868
3. The Life & Travels of Mungo Park, Mungo Park, 1840

All are available free online.

Mungo Park was one of the first white explorers in Sub-Saharan Africa before real colonization began. He tells many vivid stories of his horrific observations among the Africoons up the Gambia River, overland to the Niger River and down almost to the Atlantic. Thank heaven he got his writings out to the world before the niggers on the Niger River killed him.

Salt N ViNigger

Well-known member
My attempts to understand the mentality of Homo africoonus has met with little real success, but some voracious reading has helped. Most of the people on this forum have surely read them already, but for any who haven't I recommend:

1. Erectus Walks Amongst Us, Richard D. Fuerle, 2008
2. Negros In Negroland, Hinton Rowan Helper, 1868
3. The Life & Travels of Mungo Park, Mungo Park, 1840

All are available free online.

Mungo Park was one of the first white explorers in Sub-Saharan Africa before real colonization began. He tells many vivid stories of his horrific observations among the Africoons up the Gambia River, overland to the Niger River and down almost to the Atlantic. Thank heaven he got his writings out to the world before the niggers on the Niger River killed him.
I found all of these titles for free in less than 10 mins. 1 is on kindle (mungo) and the other 2 can be easily read in PDF. Starting now!


Well-known member
11) "UNINTELLIGIBLE GREETINGS": Two Negroes passing each other on a street or sidewalk will loudly utter unintelligible garbage back and forth and walk away smugly as if something important had just happened. It didn’t. The Negro engages in a 24 hour a day effort to set itself apart from the rest of the Chimp Pack in order to be noticed by females, or by pretending it knows something that the others don’t in order to give its fragile ego a boost. Typically, in a scenario like described above, Negro #1 will bellow out something like, "Hey Brutha — Foobity Hoo, Fu Man Chu, Who Be You, CanYaDigIt?"

The second Negro, not wanting to admit that it doesn’t know what the first Negro is even remotely talking about will reply in an even louder voice (to draw more attention to itself) "Summuh Fummuh, Shamma Lamma, Sweet Home Alabama, and a SideOrderO’FrenchFries"

The first Negro, unable to understand a damn thing the second Negro said, will pretend that it understands perfectly well as to not to appear stupid. It will respond in an even louder voice (again, typical "Look-A-Me" behavior) and utter some more idiotic garbage. Pretty soon, they are both talking at the same time and trying to drown one another out as they continue on their separate ways — each content that it was the victor in a verbal display of dominance and showmanship, much like two Roosters puffing and strutting around the same yard to impress the females. Stupid Negroes….

12) "EXAGGERATED SENSE OF SELF-IMPORTANCE": Even the scrawniest, most butt-ugly, Lice-infested Negro with a cold sore on its lip thinks that it is Wesley Snipes, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King all rolled into one. This exaggerated sense of self-importance is a defensive mechanism that the Negroid adopts at an early age in order to protect itself from having to deal with the truth — that it is in reality the stupidest, ugliest, lowest form of life on earth.

13) "LARGE SNEAKERS": The Negro shoe size seems to correspond directly to its age on a "one to one" basis (i.e., an 10 year old Negro wears a size 10 basketball shoe, an 11 year old Negro wears a size 11, and so on) which is based partially on physiology and partly on fantasy. Negroes do tend to have large feet, but also try to attract attention to themselves and hope to get some "Muh Dik" by wearing the largest and gaudiest footwear available — whether they shoplift it, or rob it from another Negroid at gunpoint.

14) "GHETTO LIMP": Inner City Negroes walks with around with a limp in order to give onlookers the impression that they have sustained bullet injuries out there in the mean, cold streets. In fact, many do get shot and die while engaging in TNB. The ones that live are often partially paralyzed and confined to wheelchairs — the ones limping around either got hurt running from the Police, or trying to break into someone’s second story apartment window. The rest are just faking it.

15) "PACK of KOOL MILDS": Contrary to popular opinion, Negroes don’t actually buy packs of cigarettes — they either wait until someone else does and will bum one off of them, or will buy just one single cigarette at a time in order to avoid being "Chumped" by the rest of the local Chimp Pack. The preference for Menthol cigarettes is a universal Negroid trait, perhaps best explained by the fact that when they still had tails they used to swing from Eucalyptus tree to Eucalyptus tree, enjoying those succulent leaves that Menthol comes from — before Australia finally broke away from the African continent and drifted away.

16) "UNABLE TO DIFFERENTIATE FANTASY FROM FACT": Negroes have an extremely hard time separating what is real from what is not real, which is why they cannot simply sit quietly and watch a movie like everyone else does. The chimp brain lacks sufficient candlepower to understand that the actors on the movie screen or TV set cannot actually hear or see them. This behavior is also commonly seen in many other domestic animals that will suddenly go into "Fight or Flight" type behavior when a National Geographic special comes on, or when a Dog Food commercial is shown.

17) "SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION": For the Negro, have a car suddenly catch fire and go up in flames while driving is no big deal, in fact it seems to be a fairly common occurrence. Similarly too, their living quarters seem to burst into flames alot. Some of it can be blamed on smoking while in bed, other incidents can usually be attributed to the shoddy means by which they repair things — also known as "Negro-Rigging" which invariably leads to catastrophic failure.

18) "DISCONNECTED UTILITIES": Yes, this sometimes happens to Humans, but standing in line to get "Da Lectric" or "Da Heat" restored after not paying the utility bills for months on end is a full-time occupation for the Negro. To the Chimpus Americanus it is a downright violation of their rights to actually have to PAY for something, as they have become so accustomed to hand-outs and entitlements they actually think YT owes them everything!

19) "CHIMP PACK": The Chimp Pack denotes a random collection of Negroids that usually assembles for an immediate purpose — such as Gang Rape, Looting, Intimidation, or 10 against 1 attacks on unsuspecting Humans. Negroes are solely absorbed in their own selfish interests, but will band together as a temporary measure against outsiders. Once the immediate threat has passed, the Chimp Pack will disintegrate once again into a collection of individual Negroes that will try to rob, rape, or kill each other.

20) "RAP MUSIC": Rap music is an expression of the noise that the Inner Chattering Monkey is constantly making inside the Negro’s skull, much like the marble that rolls around inside a can of spray paint. In response, the Negro will attempt to drown the Inner Chattering Monkey in cheap booze, Malt Liquor, or drugs — often freeing the dangerous "Inner Chimp" which still operates under the Law of the Jungle

Elsie Stoneman

Well-known member
Attached is the copy I found, with 91 entries - A must read list, which is still as accurate today, as when it was written.

The African saying that "It takes a village to raise a child" is a misnomer - the actual translation from Swahili or Xhosa is "The whole village is going to pay for my children".
AIDS originated in Africa when the Simian version of the virus "jumped" to humans - or rather niggers more specifically - due to the fact that niggers like to f*ck monkeys. And eat bushmeat. And eat other niggers brains. And cut up and boil Albinos in an attempt to cure diseases that they bring on themselves.
- any human kindness that is shown towards a nigger will be repaid by being robbed, raped, or murdered in return. Niggers view human compassion as a sign of weakness and see this as an opportunity to take advantage of the situation -
The simplest way to understand nigger behavior is to imagine what a retarded sociopathic Chimpanzee that's high on bath salts and has a hard-on would do - and that's pretty much what you'll get.
it is important to realize that the nigger lives in a fantasy world where rules don't apply. The nigger resides in a cottony, cartoon-like universe where bills don't need to be paid, laws don't need to be followed, and white women find them desirable.

no lies detected 🤣

Gibme Mineses

Well-known member
[Note: This was posted on the old Chimpout.com site. I was lucky enough to snag a copy before it disappeared into the ether. ]

Often people will ask, "Why does the Negro do this?" or "Why did the Negro do that?" It is pretty much akin to asking why dogs bark, why cats climb trees, or why birds fly. They just do — their primitive brains are hard-wired in a manner that is incompatible with Human logic.

God only knows what really goes on inside the chimp’s brain-pan, but we can identify certain behaviors that seem to be consistent among the species:

1) "LOOK-A-ME!" This is the basic 24-hour a day / 7 days a week behavior that the Negro employs to get attention. This is basically why Negroes wear the most idiotic outfits, have 10 pounds of fake "bling" around their necks, blare their stereos, talk at the top of their voice at all times, etc., etc. It is all a ploy to get noticed and stand out from the other members of the Chimp Pack in an attempt to get food, money, or sex.

2) "GIBS-MUH!" Now that the Negro has your attention, it will attempt to extort spare change, get free Government Cheese, FEMA checks, or even the rims off of your car. The Negro, suffering from an inferiority complex by nature, is also perpetually lazy and stupid, and therefore blames all of its problems on Whitey — seeking free handouts as a never-ending form of compensation for imagined wrongdoings.

3) "MUH-DIK" This is the primary driver of Negro behavior. Everything to a Negro revolves around sex — whether it’s with an unwilling victim, farm animals, patio furniture, a Brother on the "Down-Low", or a female member of it’s own species. Negroes have an unusually strong sex drive because basically the species would have died out 10’s of thousands of years ago if they weren't genetically programmed to screw even the ugliest, most disgusting member of the opposite sex in response to Nature’s demand to perpetuate the species.

4) "BLING-BLING": Birds and Rodents are inexplicably drawn to shiny metal objects, and so it is with the Negro. Just as a Pack Rat will stuff its nest with all manner of useless bits of shiny metal, the Negro similarly adorns itself and its "crib" with the cheapest, gaudiest glittery metallic crap. Negroes in the Congo are literally walking around on top of raw diamonds and couldn't care less, yet they will sacrifice themselves like Lemmings in an attempt to steal that sweet, and oh so seductive, shiny copper from High Voltage power lines. You could chrome plate a dog turd and somewhere a Negro would absolutely think it was the greatest thing on earth.

5) "DAT-ASS": The bigger the butt, the better — even to circus proportions, at least according to the Negro. Interestingly this is a universal trait among Negroids scattered worldwide. I am at a loss to explain this, other than perhaps, just perhaps, that barely repressed Cannibalistic portion of their disgusting Simian cerebral cortex views their mates as potential sources of food in the even of some type of calamity. When they say, "Damn, Dat ass sho’ looks fine" it may have a ulterior, and sinister, motive behind it!

6) "SCALDING HOT WATER": What the hell is it with Negroes and boiling water? It seems to be their weapon of choice when disputes erupt in their domicile, but think about it…. how often do you "just happen" to have boiling water just laying around your kitchen all day long and at all hours of the night??? Don’t be fooled — if you see a Negro boiling water, trouble will follow. Someone or Something is going to get its ass scalded! As superstitious as these apes are, I think that they really believe that there’s an evil Jumbi in the water that they’re unleashing onto their victims. "I didn’t do nuffin’ – deys an evils Jumbi in dey watah dat jus’ flew out and burned muh husband while we wuz argueing an’ sheet!"

7) "40’s and a BLUNT": The Negro’s mutated chimp brain can make quite an internal racket, and they only way that the Negroid can shut the troublesome Inner Chattering Monkey off for awhile is to drown its ass in alcohol and subdue it with drugs. Not a bad plan, as the troublesome "thinking" part of their brains is the one that houses such bothersome emotions such
as "Guilt", "Consequences", "Remorse", "Responsibility", "Planning", "Honesty", "Intellect", "Charity", and a zillion other painfully excruciating thoughts that can interfere with the normal criminal (i.e., jungle) mental process that the Upright Chimp feels quite at home with.

8) "FRUIT JUICE": Negroes absolutely go ape over any fruit-flavored drink such as Tiki Punch or Kool-Aid. This is hard wired into their chimp brain pan, and like the appendix, appears to be a vestigial remnant from earlier times. The Negro in the distant past was a lazy, useless scrounger — finding ripe and rotting fruit on the ground was a major component of their diet being that they were too stupid and lethargic to actually go hunt something. Negroes today survive on free Government Cheese, Welfare, FEMA Checks, and hand-outs from YT, but the Inner Chimp still gets all excited when brightly colored fruit drinks are served and will consume them in gluttonous amounts.

9) "WHITE WIMMINZ": Often people will ask, "Why don’t they just stick to their own kind?" The answer is simple — have you SEEN the females of their species?!! The typical Negroid Sow is commonly a disgusting fat-assed disease ridden baboon which will indiscriminately mate with anything. Even good-looking "Women of Color" such as Halle Barry, Beyonce, and Mariah Carey have been enhanced by copious amounts of Human DNA in their lineage and are more distantly removed from their Negroid roots than they’d care to admit — but still a lot of make-up and plastic surgery has been used to make them look more Human.

10) "PUBLIC HUGGING": Males of the Negroid species will commonly make a great scene of hugging each other in public places where White Wimminz congregate. This is to draw attention to themselves (typical "Look-A-Me" behavior) and to make unsuspecting White Females think that Negroes are fun to be around, and that it is OK to touch them. It is not! Girls, don’t fall for this trap, Negroes are just Negroes even if bleach them white and send them to Oxford for an education. The Inner Chimp still awaits the right moment, and you will ultimately be raped, murdered, tortured, robbed, burned alive, hacked to death, or any number of other bad endings. Just say No to the Negro!
🤣 on the floor......
no lies detected 🤣
Niggers view human compassion as a sign of weakness and see this as an opportunity to take advantage of the situation

Well said::thumbsup:

So many sheboons end up incarcerated or good because they go for thugs all the time they reject black men who choose to be law abiding Americans.

64) "PAY MUH BEE-YO’S": Society functions because humans participate in what is known as a "Social Contract" - that is, they abide by promulgated laws and conduct themselves in a productive, civil manner. Without such behaviour Society cannot function, quite simply the system fall apart. Of such importance is this adherence to social codes and mores that the ancient Japanese adopted the Code of Bushido which stipulated how the Samurai acted and behaved in order to carry out the necessary maintenance of Law and Order in feudal Japan. Those civilians that deviated from acceptable behavior (stealing, rape, etc.) were dealt with swiftly and severely on the spot by the sword-wielding Samurai of ancient times. Enter the Negro....The negro by nature has no laws, nor any "higher purpose" to aspire to. The negro has been, and always will be a scrounger. A bottom-feeder. A thief. The negro is "that thing hiding in the dark" that seeks to do as little as possible. It abhors any productive work, rather it seeks the easiest reward for the least effort; the negro is an abomination of man and nature and the antithesis of civilization itself. The negro's normal state is "un-civilization". The negro never invented anything, it never built anything, it never pondered the great reaches of space, or the farthest depths of the ocean - it never thought to even wonder what lie beyond the horizon. Its sole purpose was to discover some discarded bit of an animal's carcass left behind by predators and to reproduce as much and as often as it could during its miserable, filthy and brief existence. In short, the best word for the beast is "negro" - a thousand other words couldn't describe it any better. In the civilized world part of the social contract is to fulfill one's obligations; indeed a man's word historically has been his bond. A handshake was indeed a "blood oath" that an agreement would be fulfilled. This is how commerce in a time before currency was invented could ever take place. It was an irrevocable I.O.U that only parties with an inherent code of respectable behavior could engage in; it was the hallmark of civility. The Farmer promised the Blacksmith a measure of wheat when harvest came later in the season in exchange for a hand-wrought implement today and kept that promise. A merchant would send woven rugs to the farthest reaches of the known world in exchange for a load of salt or spices in return. Paying one's obligations is keeping one's word - it is how the machinery of trade continues to turn even today. For the negro however there is no such code of behavior. The negro doesn't maintain its obligations or responsibilities, it seeks to get as much as it can get away with while expending as little personal energy as possible. Humans pay their bills; Negroes don't. For the negro there typically aren't many bills (pronounced "bee-yo's" by Negroes) because our Libtard Socialist governments coddle the ever-precious Negro. The government pays for the negro's housing, its education, its food, its heat, its water and its transportation. The negro gets upset when the government doesn't pay for its liquor and its crack cocaine and Kool Milds - thinking it is "entitled" to everything free. The only "bee-yo's" the negro really has are for illicit activities - if it doesn't pay them, the supply gets cut off by the local drug dealer or booze merchant who foolishly extends the negro credit. Yet, when a negro is arrested for conducting some sort of nefarious activity its first response to the police is to claim that it has no choice but to engage in such behavior in order to "pay muh bee-yo's" because it can't get an honest job due to racism. In reality, a negro never even remotely considers paying its bills and expects that someone will do it for them instead. The negro has been coddled, had excuses made for, protected and even been apologized to. And yet before us stands the same hideous unrepentant ape that we found in Africa's jungles 400 years ago - unchanged for 100,000 years before that. The negro has no place in society; it has no place in any sort of civilization. It simply must go if Mankind is to survive.

65) "EXTRAVAGANT NAMES": Negroes give their offspring the most ridiculous and laughably ignorant names upon squezzing them out in the Delivery Room (at Taxpayer expense), back alley, or sock drawer in Section 8 housing someplace. To the under-developed Negro brain, something that "sounds" expensive must have some value above everything else – which is why they will buy cheap useless cologne as long as is starts with "Eau de...." or will flock to any piece of 3rd rate velvet artwork that shows anything remotely Egyptian (by the way, Negroes – you ARE NOT descended from Egyptian King and Queens. You were shipped from Sub-Saharan Africa and were made House Servants, Whipping Boys and Court Jesters for those royal humans which were largely Macedonian in lineage!) Nonetheless, Negroes will invent names like "Lemonjello" or "Orangejello" (inspired by lemon flavored Jello and orange flavored Jello packets) or "Fa-qwee-qwee", "La-doo-doo", "Sha-nay-nay" or a thousand idiotic combinations of Ebonic nonsense spewed forth from their crack or Ripple impaired consciousness in the addle-brained hope that a fancy sounding name will give their future felon-in-training a jumpstart on Life. Quite frankly it should be a LAW that all Negroes have "negro-sounding" names so that human HR personnel can immediately shred their resumes upon receipt for open job postings. It would also greatly assist Law Enforcement agencies and the general public to look out for a feral tar beast on the loose after a crime has been committed, rather than having to play "guess the race" when the local News channel doesn’t have the balls to broadcast that police are looking for a negro that just committed a crime, rather than letting the public believe it might be a human that did it!
I printed this years ago. Now I to archive it.

Call Me Bwana

Well-known member
This itemized list of characteristics is spot on!!!! It should be made into pamphlets and handed out to all high school students.

An addition to 1): The “look at muh” syndrome. When I was fairly young (early 60s), the negro hadn’t completely taken over football yet. But as the years went by, more and more negroes were hired and they took the places once filled by humans. At this same time, the negro touchdown theatrics were in the early stages. They used to spike the football, or do small tribal dances. But nowadays, in full “look at wut I jus’ dood”, when they make a touchdown, they go full-on TNB. They flip, dance, and jiggaboo around like they’re on fire, swing their arms wildly, and any other way they can to draw attention to themselves. I cannot stand the nigger animal.
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This itemized list of characteristics is spot on!!!! It should be made into pamphlets and handed out to all high school students.

An addition to 1): The “look at muh” syndrome. When I was fairly young (early 60s), the negro hadn’t completely taken over football yet. But as the years went by, mor and more negroes were hired and they took the places once filled by humans. As this same time, the negro touchdown theatrics were in the early stages. They used to spike the football, or do small tribal dances. But nowadays, in full “look at wut I jus’ dood”, when the make a touchdown, they go full-on TNB. They flip, dance around like they’re on fire, swing their arms wildly, and any other way they can draw attention to themselves.
Well said::thumbsup:

Yep, attention seeking looks at me is hardwired innigger DNape.

"I is a African kang whitey cave man"

This itemized list of characteristics is spot on!!!! It should be made into pamphlets and handed out to all high school students.

An addition to 1): The “look at muh” syndrome. When I was fairly young (early 60s), the negro hadn’t completely taken over football yet. But as the years went by, mor and more negroes were hired and they took the places once filled by humans. As this same time, the negro touchdown theatrics were in the early stages. They used to spike the football, or do small tribal dances. But nowadays, in full “look at wut I jus’ dood”, when the make a touchdown, they go full-on TNB. They flip, dance around like they’re on fire, swing their arms wildly, and any other way they can draw attention to themselves.
That’s why most of us don’t watch negro sportsball.