Trump’s plans if he returns to the White House


Of course this is being spewed By the ASSociated Press, many times the recipient of the Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels Award for excellence in anti-US propaganda and skewing of the "news" to fit the narrative of the uniparty hacks.
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  • Tarifs
    • It's clear the tariffs are aimed at China, but overall, tariffs hurt the average American citizen more than they do for corporations or countries. They simply pass the extra expenses onto the consumers.
  • Border / Illegal Migrants
    • No disagreements there (if Trump doesn't back out of his plan), but I'm sure a vast majority of the illegals will scatter and go into hiding. There will be no way of catching them all, but I'd say maybe 80% of them may be caught (if everyone is vigilant).
  • Energy
    • I believe he'll do the right thing here and this will also bring back jobs into the energy/oil industry in America. It's possible that he'll still try and push the go-green agenda (but not as much as Biden).

All of the above is just short-term, if and while Trump is in office. Also, everything above could be undone and the border could be wide open again under a new president.

Black Gorilla Jr.

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