"The Loud Man" cameo

I realy liked the book and the movie turned out to be excellent for what we can get. The writter is always on the edge of some kind of supernatural or psychological extreme; an iconic sci-fi writer. This movie is one of the better adaptations, more to the script than total recall and the precrime story. Or if you like to compare it to older classics, better than the Lolly-wood Jules Vernes adaptations where many storries got mashed up.

A fourth classic (B) movie is "Screamers". In the book it's more soviet union vs. usa and on planet earth. That's also the case with most of the authors stories, that are more critical and openly suspicious about commies, more pessimistic, while the movies have a lot of make up over that recuring commie theme and have of course to present a better selling "happy end". Just in case you noticed that the "commie seasoning" is missing or seriously reduced in most of the movie adaptations.