Stupid CB Porno Whore Says Porno Should be Illegal


To be fair, it goes both ways (gender-wise). It's a common perception (or maybe not) that good-looking people generally have less brain cells than that of less attractive people. Good looking people usually get by, by utilizing their looks.

Niggers are the exception here, that they're both the ugliest species on Earth and also the dumbest creatures on Earth, easily outsmarted by even bottom-feeders like cockroaches.

In any case, if it isn't apparent, the sex industry is a booming business where it benefits women more than men, in which women can get extremely wealthy with basically no skills, other than looks and attracting mass simps. She obviously went into the business looking for a quick way to get rich and comes out claiming the victim card.

New Minority

Basically the easy way to get money. Most strippers would do extra , private shows ect. for a price.
There are a lot of women that do dancing, get on drugs, despite making a sizable living, find themselves in financial straits as well, and all of them have self image / morality problems, which they drown in more drugs. A seemingly never ending cycle of lack of self worth.

Are they victims? No. They created the problems they endure.
Are there lecherous people that solely prey and take advantage of them? YES.
There was a point in my life when I was homeless, trying to digest the atrocities I witnessed in very crappy and numerous war zones, and was in a bad place , which was mostly my perspective on the world and life, and no I did not find Jesus - resorting to religion is for the weak, God won't fix things for you,( but I do believe he can make opportunities for you, what you do with it is entirely up to you. This is why the angels were so pissed and started a revolt against Heaven in the Big Book - but that is another topic).
Life in itself seemed hopeless and more so pointless. I saw many homeless, being one. Most had either addictions or mental issues, and all were beyond hope. I didn't want to live amongst these people, or become one. I traded work for a place to sleep (a broom closet) and 1 meal for the day. I was thankful for that generosity, but that was short lived but enough to get me cleaned up and get my ass in gear. Nothing in life is easy, and there is always an easy way , which puts you back at your starting point (selling drugs, prostitution, stealing). If you have the desire and determination not to give up you will eventually succeed.
These porn stars, much like the drug addicts are in a revolving cycle and get worn down at each pass and revolution where they could have exited but stayed, until there is nothing left. Like a block of cheese in a cylindrical cheese grater. (I happen to be making Spätzle with sautéed flounder with a white wine / lemon butter sauce atm, and and saw an analogy - my apologies)
They tried to take the easy way.
I, myself later became successful, but one thing different about me, is I appreciate even the lowest level worker who is working hard to make ends meet and succeed. They are doing things the HARD WAY, just as I did. Each person has their abilities.
They have self respect, dignity and even though life can be difficult and knock them down, since they worked to get where they are, they can easily resume at where they were prior to misfortune.
Porn Stars, hookers and drug addicts cannot as they are too worn out to get back to where they were, plus most were elevated to a position they didn't earn quickly , and knocked off the pedestal.

This is why "retired" porn stars often resort first to "special appearances" in strip clubs as a VIP, and later resorting to prostitution in expensive locales where it is legal - Like the "Bunny Ranch", while still drowning their sorrows in drugs and alcohol.

It may seem like I empathize with people like this porn throwback, but I do not. She had a chance to change things for the better but was too stupid and greedy thinking ride wouldn't end and blew all her ill gotten easy money. At least she got a pet monkey / struggle buddy out it.
At least her mutant sprog can serve as a visible warning to unsuspecting men that the mother has a crappy past and no self esteem , like all mudsharks.

I only empathize with the single mom working 3 jobs to make ends meet yet makes too much to collect assistance , which the media would never cover as it is a black eye on the state of actual living conditions in the US, Canada and the UK.

This retard would fair better to try and start a new life instead of trying to capitalize on a failed one - but then again, she has good intentions, but she is about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.

New Minority

250 scenes in 7 months - this doesn't include all the "amateur scenes " with her then boyfriend she released.
The reason you probably never heard of her was because most of these were straight to video streaming like pornhub.
She is claiming to be #1, and might have , but not in film sales or videos that generated an income for the producer.
This is sort of like being the star football player - in high school.

Nevertheless, even if she was the last girl on earth and and I was the last guy and it was our duty to perpetuate the human species, I would have to pass. Plus, if she is with over 250 porn stars, she probably contains more viruses and disease than the CDC Research Laboratory.
250 scenes in 7 months - this doesn't include all the "amateur scenes " with her then boyfriend she released.
The reason you probably never heard of her was because most of these were straight to video streaming like pornhub.
She is claiming to be #1, and might have , but not in film sales or videos that generated an income for the producer.
This is sort of like being the star football player - in high school.

Nevertheless, even if she was the last girl on earth and and I was the last guy and it was our duty to perpetuate the human species, I would have to pass. Plus, if she is with over 250 porn stars, she probably contains more viruses and disease than the CDC Research Laboratory.