Star Trek Discovery= STD (literally)

Gul Dukat

Riot Control
Staff member

I've only seen clips of this abortion on youtube and that's enough for me.

Discovery and Picard= Discard.

They took one of the best sci fi action heroes ever and they turned him into a befuddled old geezer,
a background character in his own show. I want to remember Picard as he was when he fought the Borg

They make a guy named Gene scrape up a dead carcass.
You did forget his name, didn't you when you created that abortion of a show.

Did Kirk, Picard or any of the other Paramount era characters ever belittle a crewman
like that? No, imagine if they did.

Up yours Kuntzman, but I suppose that's redundant.


Well-known member
I guess they don't care about insulting one of their dozens of viewers.
Agree Picard should have left the franchise forever when the show ended. Like everyone else did.
Don't watch modern TV. Just like all niggerfied shows today they're all hot garbage.


Gone are the days when TV Shows in America appealed to the majority of their masses. The last time I've looked at the viewer ratings for Star Trek Discovery (which was last year), it was basically in a free-fall. I'm surprised the show is still ongoing. I have to wonder who's actually watching any of this crap? There's better things to do with your time, than watching niggers on tv shows/movies or any of that woke stuff.
I am not familiar with that cold blooded psycho space lesbian. I enjoyed TNG a lot; watched only a hand full of episodes from DS9 and voyager, nothing from later series. Of course I also enjoyed once in a while the original series, but nothing compared to TNG. For the time of it's appearance the visuals where stunning and the characters likable. Besides that I suppose you can find all Illuminati plans in the series, the holo deck metaverse and multi culti trans-humanism etc. It's some kind of publicity and covert propaganda for it, like most sci fi and hollyweird stuff. Their intent was to make you addicted and then to change the receipe to change you with it together, subversively innoculate you with their propaganda and the worldview they wanted you to have, but it didn't work as intended. I haven't watched TV for 15 years or so, and it feels much better that way. I can't stand the everlasting charades.

I've only seen clips of this abortion on youtube and that's enough for me.

Discovery and Picard= Discard.

They took one of the best sci fi action heroes ever and they turned him into a befuddled old geezer,
a background character in his own show. I want to remember Picard as he was when he fought the Borg

They make a guy named Gene scrape up a dead carcass.
You did forget his name, didn't you when you created that abortion of a show.

Did Kirk, Picard or any of the other Paramount era characters ever belittle a crewman
like that? No, imagine if they did.

Up yours Kuntzman, but I suppose that's redundant.
I turned the cape shit and most of sci fi off.coming up on years now.
Gone are the days when TV Shows in America appealed to the majority of their masses. The last time I've looked at the viewer ratings for Star Trek Discovery (which was last year), it was basically in a free-fall. I'm surprised the show is still ongoing. I have to wonder who's actually watching any of this crap? There's better things to do with your time, than watching niggers on tv shows/movies or any of that woke stuff.
I don’t think they care about ratings as long as their agenda is getting pushed