Nigglets in a classroom

Sometimes I pitty those who have to work in education, but most of them are lefties - at least in my country.

Teachers should be mandatorily equipped with tasers and whips to potty train niggers.

Beside that, I think it is realy obvious that niggers are not suitable for school and want to go back to the jungle. Isn't it a bit of animal cruelty to cage niggers in a school, when in fact all they want is to swing from trees? Humans around niggers will always frustrate them.


Riot Control
Staff member
Beside that, I think it is realy obvious that niggers are not suitable for school and want to go back to the jungle. Isn't it a bit of animal cruelty to cage niggers in a school, when in fact all they want is to swing from trees? Humans around niggers will always frustrate them.

Agreed, Peanut, having niggers running around in classrooms id detrimental to both humans and niggers alike