Niggers overtaking porn industry


There were stats a while back from Pornhub showing that niggers represented nearly all of their viewer counts. Likely niggers are searching up nigger boons on the site and as with all companies across the nation, they're catering to niggers.

I also highly doubt niggers are using their gibs to pay for any of their services, so likely that porn site is simply just running mostly off ad revenue.

Nate Higgerz

Well-known member
it’s all part of a master plan of normalizing niggers in society. It goes from the White House, commercials, tv shows and magazines, all the way down to internet porn and stuff. Shove that stuff in social media and you automatically infect most women’s brains that niggerizing themselves is normal and the “trendy” thing to do.

I have personally given up on western women. Maybe 5% of them are normal and deserving of a good man (also a dwindling number). Those who have not given up hope yet, marry up those remaining good girls and live happy and prosper lives. Use the little time we all have to repopulate the world with decent people who are not easily mentally corrupted by their phones or social media.

The rest of those women? Let them become the nigger factories they so feverishly want to be, they’ll die off most likely at the hands of the same niggers they fucked or the ones they birthed. In other words, let them become the example as to what not to do. Hopefully the future girls will have more self respect and better mental fortitude to survive this Orwellian world we live in.

Full Auto

Although I've been married (no kids) I've been single for a long time and have had quite a few attractive (Min. '8/10') girlfriends not because I'm a 'Great Guy' who looks like Brad Pitt (I dont - more like Chevy Chase, who, lol I don't really like!) but I guess because I'm not short of a dollar and sad and telling as it is I've yet to meet a woman who doesn't like money.
Although they would never freely admit it, I told each of them from the 'Get Go' that if I were to ever find out that they've screwed a vine swinging monkey (current or in the past) they won't see me for dust - no 'Ifs or Buts'.
I could of course be wrong, but their instant facial reaction and short verbal response has in all cases indicated if not confirmed that they have not (yet) felt the need to receive a slimy squirt of putrid, jungle monkey vomit.


Well-known member
There were stats a while back from Pornhub showing that niggers represented nearly all of their viewer counts. Likely niggers are searching up nigger boons on the site and as with all companies across the nation, they're catering to niggers.

I also highly doubt niggers are using their gibs to pay for any of their services, so likely that porn site is simply just running mostly off ad revenue.
Of course, cuz pornhub is free. Niggers never pay for anything, they either get it for free or steal it.

Full Auto

Now in the days of tons of fake video, it is difficult to say how much nigger porn is even real.

I always see Asian women say no niggers so that has not changed.
'..... Asian women say no to Niggers'
That's because they rightly believe that the 34 different types of monkeys which exist in Asia should be in the wild or in Zoos so whenever they see a Nigger they simply see jungle borne specimen number 35.
it’s all part of a master plan of normalizing niggers in society. It goes from the White House, commercials, tv shows and magazines, all the way down to internet porn and stuff. Shove that stuff in social media and you automatically infect most women’s brains that niggerizing themselves is normal and the “trendy” thing to do.

I have personally given up on western women. Maybe 5% of them are normal and deserving of a good man (also a dwindling number). Those who have not given up hope yet, marry up those remaining good girls and live happy and prosper lives. Use the little time we all have to repopulate the world with decent people who are not easily mentally corrupted by their phones or social media.

The rest of those women? Let them become the nigger factories they so feverishly want to be, they’ll die off most likely at the hands of the same niggers they fucked or the ones they birthed. In other words, let them become the example as to what not to do. Hopefully the future girls will have more self respect and better mental fortitude to survive this Orwellian world we live in.
it’s all part of a master plan of normalizing niggers in society. It goes from the White House, commercials, tv shows and magazines, all the way down to internet porn and stuff. Shove that stuff in social media and you automatically infect most women’s brains that niggerizing themselves is normal and the “trendy” thing to do.

Well said::thumbsup:

The niggerdom infestation is spreading.
Whats going on with all the boons fucking white girls? White women are becoming the race traitors of the world. Embaressing.
  1. It's a fact most niggers are cowards and NU loving booty love fags.
  2. They hate human females and sheboons.
  3. niggers are the biggest perps of femicide and shebooncide.
  4. The same scum who enable and coddle niggers are respomsible for this filth.


Nigger Flambé

You can also thank the porn industry for creating the perception that niggers have the biggest junk.
I used to have a link to an old Harvard study that disproved that too, but unfortunately went down a while ago and never found another one.
Also helps to see who owns most of these porn websites, almost everything wrong with society has the same common denominator.
Porn turns men into cucks and women into sluts, as planned.
Nice cuckold simulator pic.


Well-known member
Let me point out something about the "entertainment" industry. niggers are cheaper actors than whites. so if your low budget . . . and its the decade of the nigger . . .

Lawn Jockey

Well-known member
You can also thank the porn industry for creating the perception that niggers have the biggest junk.
I used to have a link to an old Harvard study that disproved that too, but unfortunately went down a while ago and never found another one.
Also helps to see who owns most of these porn websites, almost everything wrong with society has the same common denominator.
Porn turns men into cucks and women into sluts, as planned.
Nice cuckold simulator pic.
I got into an argument with some nigger on Twitter about this. He said White males in porn are never bigger than 6 inches. I said ever heard of John Holmes,Ron Jeremy or Peter North and the countless others? Of course, he was too stupid to coonprehend and went back to talking about mu-dik. I don't watch it anymore and my life is better for it.
You can also thank the porn industry for creating the perception that niggers have the biggest junk.
I used to have a link to an old Harvard study that disproved that too, but unfortunately went down a while ago and never found another one.
Also helps to see who owns most of these porn websites, almost everything wrong with society has the same common denominator.
Porn turns men into cucks and women into sluts, as planned.
Nice cuckold simulator pic.
Nice cuckold simulator pic.


I googled it, I didn't want to look at nasty sluts with niggers on IR sites.

Former adult film actress Emily Willis, 25, is gradually recovering after a cardiac arrest last month, which left her hospitalized and in .

The result of niggerdom...

I got into an argument with some nigger on Twitter about this. He said White males in porn are never bigger than 6 inches. I said ever heard of John Holmes,Ron Jeremy or Peter North and the countless others? Of course, he was too stupid to coonprehend and went back to talking about mu-dik. I don't watch it anymore and my life is better for it.
Of course, he was too stupid to coonprehend and went back to talking about mu-dik.

Well said::thumbsup:

Just another fine example of argumentative shouting down nigger monkey behavior.


TNSDCB instead of listening to the cops...
