Nigger Apelethe Teachah Uses AI to Fake Racist Rants Using a YT School Principal's Voice


I came across this news story maybe 2-3 days ago and surprised no one made a post yet. Anyways, an apeffirmative nigger apelethe teachah & director used AI to make some fake nigger rants using a high-school principle's voice, who is white. Obviously, the media is trying to bury this news story, but due to this involving a white guy spewing things about niggers, this got the attention at the federal level and the FBI was involved and through digital forensics discovered that this whole thing was fabricated using AI by a nigger named Dazhon Darien.

the Baltimore County state’s attorney, said Thursday that the case appears to be one of the first of its kind nationwide. He noted that state lawmakers must update legislation to include the new technology
I bet the FBI were shocked when they thought were were on a top case of being able to slap the YT school principle as a white supremist and land him in jail for very long time, only to find out that it was nigger who fabricated the whole thing.


DePlasmatikon Gibs

Jr. Administration
Staff member
The fabricated recording went viral after it circulated on social media in January, causing widespread outrage and condemnation among the Baltimore County Public Schools community.
Selective reporting, as usual. You bet it made lots of waves while they could use it to stigmatize the school's White principal, and then they dropped it immediately when it came out yet another nigger faked a hate crime.

I'm shocked the nigger used modern technology. Usually it's a noose in their locker or a banana on their desk. His noggin does look somewhat enlarged on the sides...
