New here! Hello there!



Hello all you sane, wonderful people who see the reality of things! So far, some of the best things about this site are that I can vent, know I’m not suffering alone, and there are no niggers. 😃

Have a lovely day!
I've just rejoined myself, I was a member briefly before, fortunately I live somewhere I can shout NIGGERS at the top of my voice and either nobody can hear me or care, usually animals or gypsy boys but they hate them too, I have some Viking throwing axes and lob them to relieve my frustration with life, at least here we can say niggers aren't human and BLdon'tMatter one jot. Welcome


Well-known member
I've just rejoined myself, I was a member briefly before, fortunately I live somewhere I can shout NIGGERS at the top of my voice and either nobody can hear me or care, usually animals or gypsy boys but they hate them too, I have some Viking throwing axes and lob them to relieve my frustration with life, at least here we can say niggers aren't human and BLdon'tMatter one jot. Welcome
I’m happy for you that you can scream that without worrying about being attacked by a wild ape. It’s nice you have that relief! Lol BLDM… funny how they say “BLM” yet the black on black violent crimes rates are through the roof. 😂 Silly niggers. Cheers! ☺️


It's getting more difficult to avoid the groid. Even for whites who are lucky enough to live in an all-white neighborhood and who can go a whole day or week without seeing niggers, will eventually come face to face to these savages, as niggers will bring the jungle to you (at your own workplace, school, etc...).