My niece has gone full on coal burner

Black Gorilla Jr.

Well-known member
The end days are among us… Apemerica is on life support.. i think its going down quickly. Probably only a few years left.. luckily she had the sense to keep the niggers name off the house whatever little that matters… the nigger is a greedy beast. He will push her into debt and wreckless spending. I hear one of those calls to dave Ramsey show.. i make $100,000 and I'm still $500,000 in debt. The nigger is going to want a big car and lots of nikes, gold chains, expensive meals out, vacations and shit like that because niggers are materialistic beasts of burden. Niggers are lazy too. Probably wont even pull its own weight in the housework… hope your niece is a fast learner and figures out what niggers are all about quick.
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