My mudshark daughter couldn’t find a date to the prom.


Well-known member
Why would any dad post that, what a cuck. If Tyrone ever comes back he’ll probably let it move in with them while the cb daughter works at a strip club.
He’s that cucked he’d most probably let the nigger ape fuck his wife too, while he sleeps on the sofa like a good little white cuck. These white dads who let the kids get fucked by niggers need to be publicly called out for being so weak. But, then they’d probably get excited by being cucked all over again. Fucking weirdos!


Well-known member
My kids wouldn’t have dared come home with a nigger, the knew damned well they would have been disowned on the spot and I would have bounced that nigger out of the house and on down the street. I don’t understand these white parents excepting niggers breeding with their daughters, I could never except that in a million years.