Movies 2021

Niggers are essential ingredients in fast-food-culture like sugar, colorants and additives - promising unearned maximization of profits, and health deterioration, cultural and moral diarrhea for the customers. They need a sheboon in a Bond movie because they want to dupe us into believing sheboons would be attractive women. The boons are everywhere where there is "friendship" because in reality there is none. They want their public to be mal-adapted to what ever situation is presented to them in life. Maybe it's also subversive gay propaganda since, from my perspective, the boon looks masculine and could be "a man". They want to sell us crap. They say males with breast implants are females and want to put us into gulags if we don't see it "their way".


Well-known member
I'm tired of them being everywhere. I watched the new Dune movie and of course there were a lot of niggers in it, including a disgusting sheboon.
I'm tired of them being everywhere. I watched the new Dune movie and of course there were a lot of niggers in it, including a disgusting sheboon.
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This was one of the greatest puke moments in the entire movie. One scene where the dialog is 1:1 like in the first movie, and possibly like in the books, when they rescue the workers and lose a harvester. The most unconvincing characters they have, those SJW's. They are CJW's (cultural justice wariors) nowadays, the marxist way with wall street pay.

The movie already had a bad start before the appearance of that abomination. It started with the smelly shit nigger gardener at the beginning. Fucking disgusting hands, talking super deep magic from the beginning and being wise but seemingly neglected...

Plus that stupid nigger in medieval/traditional clothing in the first scenes, looking like some dindu from 1600's colonial Spain or Portugal in human robes.

They completely cut out the Navigator's Guild, which is very essential to the story (imo) and was so awesome in the first movie. The gigantic Navigator brain creature, former human completely transformed through the spice, they control space travel and have the greatest influence on politics. Nothing works without them. But there they are: completely gone or only mentioned or shown in a way that I didn't notice.

There are more fags and niggers in the movie. All Fremen are non-whites now and look as happy as they would when they want to thank someone for Fallujah. They don't have the charisma, they were all whites or mostly white / whitish in the first movie.

Also the Atreides, the noble Family the hero descends from, has darkened. They also are mixed with the daddy being darker. The hero is more effeminate than in the first movie; the handsomeness of the character is a bit over the top and makes him appear more like a weakling and a faggot, and less than a pampered aristocrat.

I forgot how the girl looked like...

Distance weapons have been removed, fights are bloodier and slashier, in the style of the movies 300 or the Eternals. A bit surprising; I smell a rat everywhere.

Don't give your money to them, especially if you can leech the movie. It's not worth your hard earned pennies.

You can also watch the first movie in a redux version with extra added uncut scenes on youtube and bitchute for free, it runs longer than 3 hours.