MoonCricketRick says hi to the Community!


Well-known member
Hi another member has said how C.O has helped with P.T.S.D caused by living in close proximity to niggers, niggers are completely unhinged, I could probably ignore the majority of nigger behaviour even the smell and the laziness because you don't have far to look for the same thing in humans, being poor isn't an excuse for bad and criminal behaviour but niggers use every opportunity to inflict themselves on humans, small chimpout's usually escalate into gratuitous violence with little provocation. Welcome to the house of fun, we like to have a laugh at the groids but C.O is a source of news usually buried by the lame stream media.
You would think after 158 years of emancipation and a Civil War that killed thousands of white soldiers, countless expensive government programs, civil rights legislation, affirmative action, that these stupid beasts would actually develop a productive culture?
Ha, the joke was on us.


Well-known member
What's up everybody? It's lovely to see other intelligent humans who refuse to participate in today's nigger worship. Even though I live in an area with 8% shit skins, I still can't go 24 hours without experiencing at least one monkey shine chimpout. it's out of control and any honest law enforcement officer will tell you it's only getting worse. Best wishes to all my fellow humans out there!
Welcome Fellow Boon Basher


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