Monuments for black free fall icon Tyre Sampson going up all over America!


Well-known member
g = 9.80665 m/s
Proved by Trye Sampson in 2022

Nigger was dedicated to the Sciencing. Such dedication. When the non-existant skeptics protested, he made the ultimate sacrifice. Sacrifice for us all. A true nigger inventor and science pioneer right up there with... with... ummm.. with ummm. oh I know that DeGrasse "black science man" AA hire dimwit.

tyre sampson 6b9azz 02.jpg
Now that is the face of a brilliant scientist

Gibme Mineses

Well-known member
g = 9.80665 m/s
Proved by Trye Sampson in 2022

Nigger was dedicated to the Sciencing. Such dedication. When the non-existant skeptics protested, he made the ultimate sacrifice. Sacrifice for us all. A true nigger inventor and science pioneer right up there with... with... ummm.. with ummm. oh I know that DeGrasse "black science man" AA hire dimwit.

View attachment 14199
Now that is the face of a brilliant scientist
Actually, it's 9.80m per second/ per second it was probably traveling well over 60 mph on impact. (88ft/sec).

Ex. accelerates to 9.8 m/s in first second, velocity increase by a like amount in each additional second.


Well-known member
He was an expert on K=FC squared, planned to matriculamation wiff duh theesises and write a book on dat sheeeit
Will the attraction be closed for ever? No, we will be back. It's just a short interruption, a flat Tyre to be replaced.

When a nigger has an additional Tyre in his car trunk, you can be sure something smells fishy.


Well-known member
The nigger eats more KFC per day than a pregnant Elephant eats leaves.
That thing is practically a hippopotamus.
Hippopotamus-Face Sampson.

K equals FC squared divided by ((velocity over radius of the splat) plus (nigger Lbs times gravity over 1)) equals the raw AFNE or units of airborne fat nigger energy, to henceforth be known as Tyre Sampsons

1 Tyre Sampson is equivalent to the force needed to crack 3.5 inches of sidewalk pavement
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