I work with a lot of niggers.


Well-known member
I hope you low ball niggers on their wages.
I wish I could, but that's not a department I control.

But, I do make them work for their money because if they don't then we send them home. If that happens, they not only don't get paid but they have to pay the bus fee - so they might end up losing money. If we're not strapped for workers we'll send them home for being late, not working, or making mistakes.

Tar Remover

I was
Welcome Nogwhisperer. Seems you get your daily dose of TNB for sure.

I was in the US Navy, and the feral niggers were the laziest pieces of shit you could imagine. As a supervisor for my shop on an aircraft carrier, I had to make sure that the niggers were doing there jobs. They were never where they were supposed to be. You could always just listen for ooking and eeking to find them congregating in a break room, playing spades. During working hours all day long, just sitting there playing spades, just like they do at N.U. Their simian behavior never changes no matter what situation they are in. Half the niggers on the boat spent their whole enlistment doing dishes in the mess hall, because they had no other skill to be utilized, and they still sucked at doing dishes. They other half that were shoveled on thru some type of specialty school still had no skill to offer, most of them took two years or so to get through a school that YT's passed in a few months, so by the time the shitbeasts even got to sea duty their eek-listment was half over. Feral, useless, disgusting animals, completely worthless.

At that time in my life I made a very easy decision to get into a field of employment that would be nigger free.
Sorry you have to deal with those street apes on a daily basis.....
I was a Jar Head. And I can attest to the truthful statements made by CHW. FUCK goddamn worthless niggers (not LITERALLY, of course).


Well-known member
It's sad we are stuck with niggers anywhere and my husband says he's seen how white people treat packages at TNT and DHL so we have no chance if the groids get their paws on it. Now I've found out you have to suffer them every day I realise how lucky I am only really seeing them on TV, I was hoping that one today was a mirage but unfortunately not, he is that black he sucks light in like a black hole.
It's good you were lucky to avoid the niggers. Now, I'm sure, you can create you own luck and continue to avoid the violent niggers. As for me, I'm working my way to a nigger free future. It'll just take some time, but it will happen.
It didn't come easy for my husband he left school at fifteen without any qualifications and went into an apprenticeship building buses and coaches all his mechanical skills he learnt from his dad as I did. He lived on a council estate and was written off by his teachers but by the age of 21 he was the top apprentice and had several qualifications then the following year the firm he worked for went bust and the only other coach builder was 60 miles away so he wanted something different and joined the Royal Artillery and spent 25 years seeing the world eventually leaving as an officer, he then bought a derelict house and renovated it and sold it for a good profit which kick started his own property company eventually employing 30 people, he always had an interest in astronomy and he took a degree in Astrophysics and now he's able to restore classic cars as his hobby which between us has been quite profitable so anything is possible with hard work and patience which I'm sure you have working with groids and by the sound of it you have the greatest asset of all which is faith in yourself, I hope you become the next Musk or Bezos so good luck to you my friend.
This right here is the definition of a driven man! He’s to be celebrated.