Guy makes a satirical children's book but the left thinks it's real, NPR recommends it

I am right when using "degenerate" or "mutant" to describe them. They don't understand sarcasm and they can't meme. They do not have the cognitive abilities to understand irony, wich is a sign of mental weakness or in some rare cases of cultural isolation (isolated paradise island people). Those people are so brainwashed, blind and stupid they can't be considered equals to homo sapiens sapiens.

Beside that, their reactions show how much hatred and evil is in them. All of that hulled in a thin cover of hollow virtue signaling and meaningless rituals.

Got Dem Big Ass Lips

Loyal Member
Wow, even satire is accepted as truth to the Loony Left. They will believe and promote anything that fits their agenda, which is why they are so easy to troll.