Glad I found this place!

LeQuint Dickey Mining Co

Well-known member
Hey, fellow humans! Another refugee here, not sure what happened over there. I'm glad there are still some sites like this around, where we can Avoid The Groid at all costs.
Hey Moe. I'm a refugee from .org as well. Don't know WTF happened over there but glad I found and joined this site. Don't know if you remember me but welcome aboard my friend.
Not quite sure why you have to bash a like-minded site. Your ire would be better served bashing niggers. I for one enjoyed .org. I enjoy this site as well.

I'll try to explain it in analogies of how I do understand the matter...

It's not about bashing the car, or the car manufacturer, or those that like cars and are good drivers.

It's more about bashing single car thieves, scammers, car-keyers.

It's more about the mayor than it is about the city. He did things wrong; not the residents.

City XYZ was once a beautiful city, or could have been, but the mayor spied on his residents and came to power via election frauds. He was reaching for more illegitimate power and involvement beyond his city limits, too. He hired thugs to attack our city and burned it down, because - we may never know the full truth - he must have been at last very envious of us being the "chosen ones". Yep. We have the holy relic. The dot com.

Plus usurpers also need to often kill legitimate inheritors of the throne.

So it's maybe more a game of thrones thing :nuffins:

The mayor of the other city was a tyrant and he hired mercenaries to besiege us, to attack us with catapults and poison our wells.

Most residents will not have known about this or they would have reacted like you do, which is obviously a sane & innocent reaction. "We should all stand together" - which is also how we see things.

I don't want to bash the "evil twin" that's why I write it in quotation marks; I am not directly involved and have the luxury that I can take it with more humor than those that had to suffer more. I don't know what happened but I am sure this site would be up if the mayor and his accomplices weren't such unknightly characters. As for NM or other sites, I have nothing against them. There are always things that unite and other things that divide communities, things change and evolve, the more they change the more they stay the same. I think a bit of competition in the sense of free choice is good and can improve the quality of both -or more- communities.