Don Black's son is a faggot (we already knew)

DePlasmatikon Gibs

Jr. Administration
Staff member
Very sad. Don't know what went wrong but the Jews are obviously having a field day with this mentally ill freak.

Still calling Don Black KKK and a Nazi. :rolls:

DePlasmatikon Gibs

Jr. Administration
Staff member
Tragic. Don Black and David Duke are good men.
Derek Black is to White Nationalists what Bobby Fischer was to Jews and Pastor Manning is to niggers, lol.

Shit happens. Just disown this clownworld clown, don't talk about him and move on. SF still is a decent alt news aggregator site although I'm not interested in the endless repetitive bickering between their members.

New Minority

I myself have recently disowned a child.
No matter how much time, effort and love you give them, this world poisons them namely in schools.
School no longer teaches important life skillsets like math, language, history and sciences, instead they are solely focused on inclusitivity and shaming whites blatantly for their race, and the public is paying for it.

If your gay, fine, that is common in nature and normal, but gender dysphoria is a mental illness, as well as any other dysphoria.

Disown the child, it is tough and keep strong in your virtues, the same virtues that have produced you through 1000s of years of selective breeding and built civilations.

New Minority

It has been happening since the 1960s.

It is pioneered and instituted by a certain demographic, but small groups.
The reason sites like Stormfront, and Pro white movements fail, is they shotgun at a group, when most of the specific population is not part of the agenda.

Then it is easy to discount valid claims under the guise of hate.

People quit listening, and turn against the whistleblowers.

Look at most people who voted for Biden, they only voted because they couldn't stand Trump as a person.
Despite the daily things Biden and Democrats do wrong in a day, they blame Trump, as he represents an image they hate.
Plus no one wants to admit they were fooled. The schools teach this communist policy as well, but this policy is far worse than what the USSR ever did.

For example, A local School district just spent over 1 million in "Inclusivity Training" for it's staff. The staff have to teach that heterosexual behavior and urges are due to an oppressive brainwashing system in place by a bunch of white racist that suppress the natural desire to be homosexual, pan sexual, bi sexual and trangender.

Forget books and academics, inclusivity is what every school in the US is teaching in every class, and denial of it will have repercussions.

Don't believe me? Go to any high school and see a gay or tranny flag or another support reference in every classroom.
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Niggers are apes

Well-known member
Derek Black was groomed to be the new face of white nationalism. Now he's working against it.
Black grew up in a family of white nationalists, with David Duke as his godfather. But he renounced those views in college and recently has been involved in Black Lives Matter protests. "Everyone has a moral choice to decide," he says.

"groomed" :lol: