Chimpout's Nigger World Atlas, Page 39: Botswana (Extermina Negros)

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member

Population: 1,990,876
Capital: Gaborone
Location: Africa
GDP Nominal (Total): $11.63 billions
GDP Nominal Per Capita: $6,406
GDP PPP (Total): $25.40 billions
GDP PPP Per Capita: $13,992
Main Industries: Mining (Weez gotz da bling bling!), Tourism, Subsistance Farming FAIL (80% of employment / 50% of nation's food)
Ethnic Groups: 94% Niggers 6% Humans (Indians and Whites)


Botswana is what the rest of Africa could have been if the other HNICs had allowed humans to continue development and strategic planning in their respective nations. Don't let the positive stats fool you because even this magic nigger coontry is chock full of TNB!

The Nigger Republic of Botswana is a landlocked coontry in Southern Africa. The citizens are referred to as "Batswana" (singular: Motswana), with the competing designator "Shaquanda" losing by one vote in its coongress. Formerly under the direct tutelage of its YT massa, the British protectorate of Bechuanaland adopted its new name after becoming independent within the Commonwealth on 30 September 1996. The magic coons have held free and fair democratic elections since independence after realizing that they could get free monies and development for just giving a semi-stable environment for humans to do something with their resources.

Botswana is Apefreaka's success story. A small, landlocked coontry of 1.9 million people, Botswana was one of the poorest coontries in Africa with a GDP per capita of about $70 at independence from Britain in 1966. In only forty years, Botswana allowed itself to be transformed by YT and Asians, moving into the ranks of middle-income status to become a nation of nigger-rich coons, growing at an annual rate of 9 percent.

However, this big bonanza provided by YT banking and mining concerns hasn't translated into general prosperity amongst the nigger population. A third or more of the population has been completely left behind by this development, and the high levels of foreign investment and infusions of cash has not translated into the niggers actually creating worthwhile investments on their own that would translate into a multiplying effect. Most of the increased wealth of the population is due to government transfer payments, aka welfare. Also, despite the fact that the HNICs spend on average over 10% of the GDP on education, teaching the indigenous ape population had proven to be a futile task as it is in any other area populated by the homo erectus. In Botswana this educational spending has generally not produced a population with the skills that are needed in its economy. As a consequence, over 20% of the jigaboos are unemployable, and Botswana has one of the highest income inequalities in the world. To make matters worse, there is no shortage of the muh dik that has caused these magic niggers to suffer from the second highest AIDS rate in the world.

Ten percent of Botswana's GDP goes towards attempting to educate these coons.

For the niggerlover who thinks that they have found a nation to celebrate as a model of how the feral apes can supposedly rise to human standards, you are about to be disappointed. Botswanans are making themselves good at a rapid pace through the mere use of muhdik despite the advantages of a decent veterinary care system and wealth! Almost one out of four of the apes already have HIV compared to less than 2% in human Latin American nations with similar economic wealth, and this problem in itself puts Botswana in danger of losing all of the bling bling it has accumulated over the years. Despite the more docile mammy-like attitude towards caring for children, the huge orphan population that includes over 20% of Botswana's population is starting to even overburden the extended family support structure as the grandpappies are dying out as well. To make matters worse for Uncle Tom, over 17% of workers in the veterinary care industry were goodified by the AIDS, and many children are having to drop out of school to care for sick family members and provide income to avoid the hooongries.

AIDS funerals occur countless times a day in just about every town in Botswana.

If you thought that having its life expectancy fall from 65 to 35 years was the extent of Botswana's fail, think again. The influx of bling bling from foreign diamond interests has brought its GDP adjusted for PPP within the range of Mexico, but when you analyze educational, health, and social attainments, its rating on the Human Development Index is only .694(medium), while Mexico's is .854(high) despite the narco wars and corruption. Of course, how can we expect niggers to achieve human development under any circumstance? The niggers have been given their chance with good natural resources stewardship and a governmental system that was propitious for prosperity, but their managing to destroy all of that with their primal sexual urges proves that even magic niggers need to be under servitude to maintain any sort of civilization.

Humans are advised to only visit Botswana on business concerns or on a highly-guarded safari. Even though the nation is peaceful by nigger standards, being raped would be a guarantee for an HIV infection. Give it another twenty years, and us humans may be colonizing and repopulating Botswana after its population implodes.

"All missionaries praise the African for his strict observance of
the Sabbath. He would have three hundred and sixty-five Sabbaths
in the year, if possible, and he would as scrupulously observe
them all." Burton's Wanderings in West Africa, Vol. I.,
page 266.[/QUOTE]


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