Chimpout's Nigger World Atlas, Page 38: Belize (NutNice)

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member

Location: Central America
Capital: Belmopan
Population: 307,899
Ethnic/Racial Groups: Mestizo, 34%, Kriols (mostly niggers) 25%,
Spanish 15%, Maya 11%, and Garinagu (Niggers) 6%.
Gross Domestic Product: $1.424 billion
GPD Per Capita: $8,100
Main Industries: Tourism, garment production, food processing.

While Belize is, at the most, about one-third nigger, the
intensity of the Belize niggers' TNB warrants the country's
shameful inclusion in the Nigger World Atlas. Long before
Europeans arrived in what is now Belize, the Mayas spread
their civilization to the area from 1500BC until around the
9th century. After some halting attempts by the Spanish to
colonize Belize in the 1500s, British and Scottish bucaneers
started a settlement on the coast in 1638. Belize eventually
became a colony known as British Honduras. By the early 18th
century, Europeans were making the oft-repeated mistake
of importing nigger slaves. That's when things started
going downhill. British Honduras became independent as
Belize in 1981, after decades of being a British-run,
nigger-infested Central American backwater.

Yes, they have these annoying nigger marching bands down there, too.

While Belize City is still the largest city in the country,
the seat of government was moved inland to Belmopan in
1961 due to hurricane damage (although they probably
did it just to get away from the niggers). It appears that
the nigger population of Belize concentrates in and around
the very dangerous Belize City, where simply walking down
the street after dark can mean a death sentence. Human-
inhabited areas in the interior are considerably less dangerous.
Chimper YTISFEDUP has been to Belize, and contributes
his experiences and coontacts to this Atlas entry:

"Driving from the airport to the hotel we were staying at
it became immediately clear that we were obvioulsly going
thru the bad part of town. Run down ramshackle buildings
everywhere, niggers milling about or just lazing on the
sidewalk. The good part of town never seemed to materialize
as we arrived at the ONLY safe hotel, I believe it was a
Sheraton, but it was a walled off gated compound. My nigdar
was going into WTF mode. The ENTIRE hotel staff was nigger,
and we were immediately told to keep all valuables under
lock and key and under no circumstances leave the hotel
compound after dark. This was good advice.

The next day we went out exploring on foot through the
city and I have to say, it was even more disgusting up
close and in person. Trash was strewn everywhere, the roads
and walkways were in very poor condition. We noticed human
feces on the sidewalks, begging niggers everywhere, everyone
of them was your best friend. They seemed to just appear
out of nowhere and start axing for money. Passed out niggers
littered the streets, dirty and wearing ragged clothing.

While it wasn't 100% nigger, there was enough of the
element to be more than noticeable. It was actually worse
than most of the ghettos in Oakland...Every place we went
outside the city was 100% human, very nice people, friendly
and warm. Most spoke English."

This nigger runs Belize now. It was nice knowing you, Belize!

There you have it, from someone who has actually been in Belize City
and seen the TNB. The nigger population of Belize is a millstone around
the country's neck. It creates crime, chaos and filth, all of which will make
tourists think twice about visiting, or returning to, Belize. Interestingly,
the niggers in Belize concentrate in around the few large cities, even
with hundreds of miles of jungle available to them, where they could
swing from trees and eat bananas all day.

'Shyne', the cRapper son of the current nigger Prime Minister of Belize.

In 2008, Belizeans made a horrendous mistake and, just like
the USA, elected their first-ever nigger Prime Minister.
The Nigger Dean Barrow now leads Belize deeper into nigger
oblivion. Not surprisingly, his son is a cRapper who ended
up in nigger college, Jamal "Shyne" Barrow. It goes to show
that nigger fambly values are the same, no matter where
in the world they are.

Sources: CIA World Factbook, Wikipedia, US State Dept, YTISFEDUP.
It creates crime, chaos and filth, all of which will make
tourists think twice about visiting, or returning to, Belize. Interestingly,
the niggers in Belize concentrate in around the few large cities, even
with hundreds of miles of jungle available to them, where they could
swing from trees and eat bananas all day.
No bright shiny objects in the jungle for them to steal.
