Chimpout's Nigger World Atlas, Page 29: Papua New Guinea (NutNice)

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member
Papua New Guinea

Location: Pacific Ocean, between Indonesia and Australia
Capital: Port Moresby
Population: 6,057,263
Gross Domestic Product: $11.953 billion
GPD Per Capita: $1,973
Languages: Around 820 different nigger-babble languages
Ethnic/Racial Groups: Melanesian, Papuan, Others (no percentages available)
Main Industries: Agriculture, oil, gold, copper, cannibalism.

Niggers in my Pacific Ocean? It's more likely than you think.

Human remains, which may be around 50,000 years old, have been found in
Papua New Guinea, although these early inhabitants may have had nothing to
do with the scum that currently inhabits the country. At some point, thousands
of years ago, niggers from East Africa may have somehow made their way to PNG,
and have basically remained in a stone-age state ever since: usually naked or half
naked, killing and eating each other as a matter of course. European explorers
were aware of the country's existence since at least the 16th century, but the
country wasn't really colonized until the Germans took over late in the 19th
century. The 'New Guinea' portion of the country's name comes from a Spanish
explorer, who noted the natives' resemblance to the niggers of Guinea in Africa.

During World War I, the colony was taken by Australia, which administered it until
1975, when the apes were given independence. Almost immediately, chimpouts
broke out in the island of Bougainville, which was part of Papua New Guinea. These
chimpouts continued on and off for over 20 years. Cannibalism is a time-honored
tradition among the animal niggers of PNG. Here's an excerpt from the writings
of a human missionary, from 1895. This story involves some bucks who came
back to their village after a hunt, with many animal carcasses. Their sheboon
wives were upset that their bucks brought animal meat, since they wanted
nigger meat instead. The bucks left and came back again with nigger meat:

Yep, they're niggers alright.

"When the women who were waiting for them on the river bank saw them
approaching the village, they called out: ‘What have our husbands brought
for us to eat, this time?’ And then they looked, but their husbands did not
look at them, only cast their eyes downwards at what lay in their canoes.
‘Yes, that is right!’ shouted the women. ‘Dance and sing again, now, for
you have brought back with you something worth dancing and singing about!’

Then the ten bodies were taken out of the canoes and put on the river
bank. And the women cooked them, and pronounced them good. And
from that day till now, the men and women of these tribes have always
said that the flesh of human beings is better than the flesh of any other

Garry Hogg, Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice, quoting the Rev.
James Chalmers, Life and Work in New Guinea, RTS, 1895

The glorious city of Port Moresby, capital of this fucking shithole.

In case you still have doubts as to whether Papuans are niggers, here's
other similarities between African and PNG niggers:

*PNG has the highest AIDS rate in the entire Pacific Region. Muh dikk is
universal amongst niggers, as you know.

*Ridiculous supersitions, rituals, body paintings and other barbarities.

*Nappy, disgusting hair, wide noses and black skin.

*A propensity for violence and sudden chimpouts.

*Rampant tribalism and sectarianism (PNG has over 800 languages).

In conclusion, the inhabitants of PNG are filty, violent, primitive, scum-
sucking niggers who should be nuked off the face of the Earth as soon
as humanly possible.

Sources: CIA World Factbook, Wikipedia,