Chimpout's Nigger World Atlas: North Sentinel Island (Remorhaz)

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member
Population: 39-500 (true number unknown - less the better)
Ethnic / Racial Groups: 100% Pure Aunt Jemima blue gum niggers [NO humans whatsoever!]
First bamboo lean to on the left
Location: North Sentinel Island, part of the Andaman Islands chain in the Bay of Bengal, India
GDP (Total): $0 (currency? what's dat?)
GPD Per Capita: $0 (see above)
Main Industries: hunting, gathering, nigglets, murder, primitive arrows.
Languages: <grunt>
Written language: (writing? what's dat?)

Perhaps the last truly untouched nigger paradise on Earth, North Sentinel Island is a land of mystery and danger [for humans]. The North Sentinelese have refused any friendly contact with humans for all of recorded history, preferring instead to fire arrows at any and all comers even to this day. In 1296, Marco Polo described the inhabitants of the Andamanese islands as "a most brutish and savage race, having heads, eyes, and teeth like those of dogs. [This I would point out is *very* unfair to dogs who are loyal, faithful, and can be trained unlike niggers] They are very cruel, and kill and eat every foreigner whom they can lay their hands upon." In other words, typical nigger behavior.

Just like the niggers of Detroit and other infested areas, almost all encounters with the niggers of North Sentinel island have ended in violence. In 1867 an Indian ship called the Nineveh wrecked upon the reef off North Sentinel island. Eighty-six passengers and twenty crew members made it to the beach in life boats. On the morning of the 3rd day, the survivors of the shipwreck were brutally attacked while eating breakfast. Said one survivor "The savages were perfectly naked, with short hair and red painted noses, and were opening their mouths and making sounds like "pa on ough" [which translates to - "ugga bugga muh dicka so horny gibs me dat"]. As India was a part of the British Empire at the time, the Royal navy dispatched a rescue boat only to find the Nineveh's passengers had managed to fend off their attackers with sticks and stones. Such a frightful display of advanced human technology obviously amazed and frightened the niggers, who withdrew back into the forest.

In the spring of 1974, North Sentinel was visited by a film crew that was shooting a documentary titled Man in Search of Man. They didn't find any men on the expedition but they did encounter niggers. The plan of the scientists was to "win the natives friendship by friendly gestures and plenty of gifts", recognizing that the nigger propensity for "gibs me dat" crosses all geographical and cultural boundaries. As the scientists made their way toward the shore they spied some niggers emerging from the woods. The anthropologists made friendly gestures and the Sentinelese responded with a hail of primitive arrows. The boat sailed to a landing spot that was out of range of the typical nigger greeting, where policemen in padded armor laid gifts of coconuts, a live pig, a child's doll, and other useful items on the beach. The men returned to their craft to watch and record the niggers reaction which was to show their backsides and pretend to defecate, while others fired more arrows, one of which hit the film's director. The nigger who shot the man was observed laughing hysterically while the other niggers were observed spearing and burying the pig, then doing the same to the child's doll. It is assumed that the niggers thought the doll was a real human baby which is why they tried to kill it. As to why they didn't eat it no one knows, but it is assumed that the scientists forgot to season the doll with 11 herbs and spices.

In the 1800's while the British were in possession of the area they learned a great deal about the Andamanese islanders (with the notable exception of the nearby Sentinelese) and were not impressed at all with what they saw. Unlike the mainland Indians, these black skinned Andamanese were niggers and lived as hunter gatherers with no technology beyond the stone age. They wore no clothing, few ornaments [not even Mercedes hood ornament necklaces and gold chains], and the sexes never bothered to cover their genitals. Indeed male Adamanese niggers would often wag their penises at visitors as a form of greeting, proving once again that "muh dik" is the one universal linkage for all niggers.

Most astonishingly [actually it isn't that astonishing if you are familiar with niggers] they had never learned to make fire. Yes you read that correctly... DURING BRITISH RULE WHICH ENDED IN 1947 THE NIGGERS HAD NOT YET LEARNED HOW TO MAKE FIRE, counting instead on the occasional lightning strike. The first report to Her Majesty's government read thusly: "It is impossible to imagine any human beings lower on the scale of civilization than are the Andaman savages." Indeed it is, but as we know such is the pinnacle of civilized accomplishment for niggers left to their own devices.

Everything known about the Sentinelese was derived mostly from encounters with the other Andaman island animals. In the mid 1800's the British controlled areas gave home to a penal colony on Greater Andaman whose workers were usually sent out to make roads, housing, and other improvements. The Jarawa responded to these improvements in typical fashion with regular chimp outs, setting up ambushes, killing and raping as they could. The British finally got sick of this and decided that a retaliatory raid was in order and up to 70 niggers were made good. The chief boon then organized what must to his mind have been a sure fire solution [oops they didn't have "fire" nevermind], a massive chimp out of almost 1,500 apes. "Fifteen hundred naked warriors came charging out of the jungle, straight up against the guns of a British warship, with predictably ghastly results." This method of ending a chimpout should be noted by historians as THE ONLY way to live peacefully alongside niggers, i.e. make sure they're dead. Sadly though, the British didn't learn this and the niggers employed the typical nigger backup strategy, they moved in and became parasites on their betters: "Right after this and quite unaccountably, the natives started wandering out into the settlement and behaving like friends: odd, bright-eyed little people whose merry air suggested that they had forgotten there had ever been bloodshed. The Andamanese would ask for gifts (coconuts, bananas, and, before long, tobacco and liquor) and make amiable sport with the British soldiers, plucking at the brigadesmen's red coats and pulling on their whiskers. They even began coming voluntarily to live in the "Andamanese Home," [I.E. they moved into the neighborhood after getting their asses kicked and pretended to be friendly].

After the hard won victory over the niggers, English clergymen and educators who were handpicked for their intelligence and conscientiousness were entrusted with the task of civilizing them [an impossible task to this day]. "They tried various techniques. Some did their best to teach the aborigines about clothing and the alphabet; others, attempting to win the natives' trust, smeared themselves with ochre body paint and joined in the tribal dances. They didn't make much progress either way. How could decent social behavior be taught to people whose culture had no concept of individual property, privacy, or political authority? How could Christianity be understood by people who - while they believed in various spirits, both benign and malignant - undertook no form of religious worship? How could math and science be imparted to people whose language had no numerals higher than three?" Indeed. You can't teach a dog to be a person it just doesn't work. The best bet is to realize what a dog is and try to make the most of its talents while keeping its more dangerous habits in check. This works for dogs but sadly not for niggers especially niggers who can't count past three. As humans we should note that niggers have never needed to count past the number three, three being the essential number of needs and wants for niggers - if they can't fuck it, eat it, or kill it, they have no use for it. That is the nigger trinity.

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member

In 1980 the government of India attempted to make to make formal contact with the Sentinelese fearing the feral animals survival was at risk from poachers and sickness. For 10 years India would send monthly expeditions to the island to leave gifts of coconuts, bananas, and small bits of iron that could be cold hammered into arrows and used as tools. Scholars of modern day niggerdom might note the typical reaction of the savages was to turn those arrows back on those who gave them to them - a trait common to all niggers worldwide when accepting gifts. After a decade of this India finally decided that enough was enough and basically quarantined the place. It is assumed that the reason that the Sentinelese were not more friendly with the humans is because of the manner and types of gifts presented: i.e. they were mostly useful and geared toward improving their lives. If the Indians had brought them 40oz malt liquors, fried chicken (not living chickens - they would kill and bury these), kool aid, and welfare checks perhaps the outcome would have been different. Encounters with the animals on the nearby islands however give us a glimpse of what happens when the niggers do become "friendly". "In 1997 after several years of gift-dropping missions to the western coast of Great Andaman, the Jarawa finally began welcoming the contact parties onto the beach, swimming out to the dinghies unarmed and embracing the delighted anthropologists. These same Jarawa continued to shoot villagers with undiminished enthusiasm whenever an opportunity arose [TNB]. But every month or so, when the official gift-bearing parties arrived on their shore, it was like a joyous reunion [Welfare check day!!!]. Video footage shows the jet black aborigines swarming over the visitors' boats - men, women, and children, all naked, grabbing coconuts and bolts of red cloth." [stealing - TNB] Pandit says: "They thought nothing of climbing onto our shoulders, naked, to go for a ride down the beach. You know, clothing and things like that are inconveniences of modern man [No, they are one of the marks of an advanced civilized people]. Sometimes several Jarawa would surround a helpless scientist and, laughing, tear his remaining clothes off." [MUH DIK!!!] There were a few untoward incidents over the years - several young male Jarawa, once came aboard the Tarmugli [the nigger observation ship] and attempted to take sexual liberties with a female journalist from Bombay. [Muh dik...] The woman had to be locked in her cabin until the frustrated aborigines departed. [Like most women in Detroit today who don't want to be Muk Dik'd] Also the natives would seize as a "gift" anything that struck their fancy, including jewelry, watches, and such. Pandit lost several pairs of spectacles this way."[TNB] The mission to Jarawa thus proves that niggers the world over can properly be distinguished by their propensity for rape, theft, and murder in any environment they come from, and the science and evidence proves this.

North Sentinel Island is the absolute picture perfect example of the height of nigger ability (or rather the lack thereof). It is above all things, a laboratory for nigger accomplishment that has been completely removed from human influence. It is pristine in its niggerdom, with no YT influence to sully the place. The results of such an experiment are instructive to say the least. It is estimated that the animals first crashed onto the islands thousands of years ago [as slaves of humans of course, boats beyond the most primitive canoes are impossible for the Sentinelese to this day]. Since then have achieved exactly nothing, not even fire making. No medicine, no writing, no astronomy, no architecture, no sailing, no navigation, no agriculture, and not even fire making, long considered the first basic building block of *any* human society. All are as alien to these beasts as the Space Shuttle would be to a caveman [note: cavemen made fire and had basic herbal medicine, art, and tanned animal hides when mammoths were still walking around]. The North Sentinelese have shown no want or desire to leave their island to explore [humans be grateful] and of course lack the technology to do so even if they could conceive of expanding 'da hood'. 40,000 years from now if left undisturbed, the North Sentinelese would *still* be as primitive as the first man to achieve sentience. They have no art or science, and live no better than a tribe of monkeys using sticks to get to the tasty termites. This, THIS, is what niggers left to their own devices achieve and if all the other races suddenly left Earth to them this is a picture of what you'd have 1,000 years later. So if you ever have a nigger who believes that his ancestors built a pyramid or even learned how to start a fire without someone else rubbing the sticks look no further than North Sentinel island to prove the boon wrong.
I love stories about the North Sentinel Islands. Leave jigs to their own devices and you get something less than the Stone Age. Don’t forget this guy:


He thought he was doing The Lord’s work on North Sentinel and died trying. I like to interpret it as The Lord saying “Don’t bother…”



Loyal Member
[note: cavemen made fire and had basic herbal medicine, art, and tanned animal hides when mammoths were still walking around].

and with enough explanation, food and leisure time the cavemen can understand what a space ship would because he was human:

"A vessel we make out of a very malleable rock-thing in which we put burnables we make out of the world using tamed thunder (liquid oxygen) and other burnables so the burning power makes us fly to other moons and stars."


Well-known member
Population: 39-500 (true number unknown - less the better)
Ethnic / Racial Groups: 100% Pure Aunt Jemima blue gum niggers [NO humans whatsoever!]
First bamboo lean to on the left
Location: North Sentinel Island, part of the Andaman Islands chain in the Bay of Bengal, India
GDP (Total): $0 (currency? what's dat?)
GPD Per Capita: $0 (see above)
Main Industries: hunting, gathering, nigglets, murder, primitive arrows.
Languages: <grunt>
Written language: (writing? what's dat?)

Perhaps the last truly untouched nigger paradise on Earth, North Sentinel Island is a land of mystery and danger [for humans]. The North Sentinelese have refused any friendly contact with humans for all of recorded history, preferring instead to fire arrows at any and all comers even to this day. In 1296, Marco Polo described the inhabitants of the Andamanese islands as "a most brutish and savage race, having heads, eyes, and teeth like those of dogs. [This I would point out is *very* unfair to dogs who are loyal, faithful, and can be trained unlike niggers] They are very cruel, and kill and eat every foreigner whom they can lay their hands upon." In other words, typical nigger behavior.

Just like the niggers of Detroit and other infested areas, almost all encounters with the niggers of North Sentinel island have ended in violence. In 1867 an Indian ship called the Nineveh wrecked upon the reef off North Sentinel island. Eighty-six passengers and twenty crew members made it to the beach in life boats. On the morning of the 3rd day, the survivors of the shipwreck were brutally attacked while eating breakfast. Said one survivor "The savages were perfectly naked, with short hair and red painted noses, and were opening their mouths and making sounds like "pa on ough" [which translates to - "ugga bugga muh dicka so horny gibs me dat"]. As India was a part of the British Empire at the time, the Royal navy dispatched a rescue boat only to find the Nineveh's passengers had managed to fend off their attackers with sticks and stones. Such a frightful display of advanced human technology obviously amazed and frightened the niggers, who withdrew back into the forest.

In the spring of 1974, North Sentinel was visited by a film crew that was shooting a documentary titled Man in Search of Man. They didn't find any men on the expedition but they did encounter niggers. The plan of the scientists was to "win the natives friendship by friendly gestures and plenty of gifts", recognizing that the nigger propensity for "gibs me dat" crosses all geographical and cultural boundaries. As the scientists made their way toward the shore they spied some niggers emerging from the woods. The anthropologists made friendly gestures and the Sentinelese responded with a hail of primitive arrows. The boat sailed to a landing spot that was out of range of the typical nigger greeting, where policemen in padded armor laid gifts of coconuts, a live pig, a child's doll, and other useful items on the beach. The men returned to their craft to watch and record the niggers reaction which was to show their backsides and pretend to defecate, while others fired more arrows, one of which hit the film's director. The nigger who shot the man was observed laughing hysterically while the other niggers were observed spearing and burying the pig, then doing the same to the child's doll. It is assumed that the niggers thought the doll was a real human baby which is why they tried to kill it. As to why they didn't eat it no one knows, but it is assumed that the scientists forgot to season the doll with 11 herbs and spices.

In the 1800's while the British were in possession of the area they learned a great deal about the Andamanese islanders (with the notable exception of the nearby Sentinelese) and were not impressed at all with what they saw. Unlike the mainland Indians, these black skinned Andamanese were niggers and lived as hunter gatherers with no technology beyond the stone age. They wore no clothing, few ornaments [not even Mercedes hood ornament necklaces and gold chains], and the sexes never bothered to cover their genitals. Indeed male Adamanese niggers would often wag their penises at visitors as a form of greeting, proving once again that "muh dik" is the one universal linkage for all niggers.

Most astonishingly [actually it isn't that astonishing if you are familiar with niggers] they had never learned to make fire. Yes you read that correctly... DURING BRITISH RULE WHICH ENDED IN 1947 THE NIGGERS HAD NOT YET LEARNED HOW TO MAKE FIRE, counting instead on the occasional lightning strike. The first report to Her Majesty's government read thusly: "It is impossible to imagine any human beings lower on the scale of civilization than are the Andaman savages." Indeed it is, but as we know such is the pinnacle of civilized accomplishment for niggers left to their own devices.

Everything known about the Sentinelese was derived mostly from encounters with the other Andaman island animals. In the mid 1800's the British controlled areas gave home to a penal colony on Greater Andaman whose workers were usually sent out to make roads, housing, and other improvements. The Jarawa responded to these improvements in typical fashion with regular chimp outs, setting up ambushes, killing and raping as they could. The British finally got sick of this and decided that a retaliatory raid was in order and up to 70 niggers were made good. The chief boon then organized what must to his mind have been a sure fire solution [oops they didn't have "fire" nevermind], a massive chimp out of almost 1,500 apes. "Fifteen hundred naked warriors came charging out of the jungle, straight up against the guns of a British warship, with predictably ghastly results." This method of ending a chimpout should be noted by historians as THE ONLY way to live peacefully alongside niggers, i.e. make sure they're dead. Sadly though, the British didn't learn this and the niggers employed the typical nigger backup strategy, they moved in and became parasites on their betters: "Right after this and quite unaccountably, the natives started wandering out into the settlement and behaving like friends: odd, bright-eyed little people whose merry air suggested that they had forgotten there had ever been bloodshed. The Andamanese would ask for gifts (coconuts, bananas, and, before long, tobacco and liquor) and make amiable sport with the British soldiers, plucking at the brigadesmen's red coats and pulling on their whiskers. They even began coming voluntarily to live in the "Andamanese Home," [I.E. they moved into the neighborhood after getting their asses kicked and pretended to be friendly].

After the hard won victory over the niggers, English clergymen and educators who were handpicked for their intelligence and conscientiousness were entrusted with the task of civilizing them [an impossible task to this day]. "They tried various techniques. Some did their best to teach the aborigines about clothing and the alphabet; others, attempting to win the natives' trust, smeared themselves with ochre body paint and joined in the tribal dances. They didn't make much progress either way. How could decent social behavior be taught to people whose culture had no concept of individual property, privacy, or political authority? How could Christianity be understood by people who - while they believed in various spirits, both benign and malignant - undertook no form of religious worship? How could math and science be imparted to people whose language had no numerals higher than three?" Indeed. You can't teach a dog to be a person it just doesn't work. The best bet is to realize what a dog is and try to make the most of its talents while keeping its more dangerous habits in check. This works for dogs but sadly not for niggers especially niggers who can't count past three. As humans we should note that niggers have never needed to count past the number three, three being the essential number of needs and wants for niggers - if they can't fuck it, eat it, or kill it, they have no use for it. That is the nigger trinity.
Wonder post. Remarkably informative and thorough.


Well-known member
This is the best thing I have read on this site. I’ve known about the sentinelese for a while, but you put it into a perspective I never thought of. They really are the epitome of the pure, untouched nigger.
Last edited:


Population: 39-500 (true number unknown - less the better)
Ethnic / Racial Groups: 100% Pure Aunt Jemima blue gum niggers [NO humans whatsoever!]
First bamboo lean to on the left
Location: North Sentinel Island, part of the Andaman Islands chain in the Bay of Bengal, India
GDP (Total): $0 (currency? what's dat?)
GPD Per Capita: $0 (see above)
Main Industries: hunting, gathering, nigglets, murder, primitive arrows.
Languages: <grunt>
Written language: (writing? what's dat?)

Perhaps the last truly untouched nigger paradise on Earth, North Sentinel Island is a land of mystery and danger [for humans]. The North Sentinelese have refused any friendly contact with humans for all of recorded history, preferring instead to fire arrows at any and all comers even to this day. In 1296, Marco Polo described the inhabitants of the Andamanese islands as "a most brutish and savage race, having heads, eyes, and teeth like those of dogs. [This I would point out is *very* unfair to dogs who are loyal, faithful, and can be trained unlike niggers] They are very cruel, and kill and eat every foreigner whom they can lay their hands upon." In other words, typical nigger behavior.

Just like the niggers of Detroit and other infested areas, almost all encounters with the niggers of North Sentinel island have ended in violence. In 1867 an Indian ship called the Nineveh wrecked upon the reef off North Sentinel island. Eighty-six passengers and twenty crew members made it to the beach in life boats. On the morning of the 3rd day, the survivors of the shipwreck were brutally attacked while eating breakfast. Said one survivor "The savages were perfectly naked, with short hair and red painted noses, and were opening their mouths and making sounds like "pa on ough" [which translates to - "ugga bugga muh dicka so horny gibs me dat"]. As India was a part of the British Empire at the time, the Royal navy dispatched a rescue boat only to find the Nineveh's passengers had managed to fend off their attackers with sticks and stones. Such a frightful display of advanced human technology obviously amazed and frightened the niggers, who withdrew back into the forest.

In the spring of 1974, North Sentinel was visited by a film crew that was shooting a documentary titled Man in Search of Man. They didn't find any men on the expedition but they did encounter niggers. The plan of the scientists was to "win the natives friendship by friendly gestures and plenty of gifts", recognizing that the nigger propensity for "gibs me dat" crosses all geographical and cultural boundaries. As the scientists made their way toward the shore they spied some niggers emerging from the woods. The anthropologists made friendly gestures and the Sentinelese responded with a hail of primitive arrows. The boat sailed to a landing spot that was out of range of the typical nigger greeting, where policemen in padded armor laid gifts of coconuts, a live pig, a child's doll, and other useful items on the beach. The men returned to their craft to watch and record the niggers reaction which was to show their backsides and pretend to defecate, while others fired more arrows, one of which hit the film's director. The nigger who shot the man was observed laughing hysterically while the other niggers were observed spearing and burying the pig, then doing the same to the child's doll. It is assumed that the niggers thought the doll was a real human baby which is why they tried to kill it. As to why they didn't eat it no one knows, but it is assumed that the scientists forgot to season the doll with 11 herbs and spices.

In the 1800's while the British were in possession of the area they learned a great deal about the Andamanese islanders (with the notable exception of the nearby Sentinelese) and were not impressed at all with what they saw. Unlike the mainland Indians, these black skinned Andamanese were niggers and lived as hunter gatherers with no technology beyond the stone age. They wore no clothing, few ornaments [not even Mercedes hood ornament necklaces and gold chains], and the sexes never bothered to cover their genitals. Indeed male Adamanese niggers would often wag their penises at visitors as a form of greeting, proving once again that "muh dik" is the one universal linkage for all niggers.

Most astonishingly [actually it isn't that astonishing if you are familiar with niggers] they had never learned to make fire. Yes you read that correctly... DURING BRITISH RULE WHICH ENDED IN 1947 THE NIGGERS HAD NOT YET LEARNED HOW TO MAKE FIRE, counting instead on the occasional lightning strike. The first report to Her Majesty's government read thusly: "It is impossible to imagine any human beings lower on the scale of civilization than are the Andaman savages." Indeed it is, but as we know such is the pinnacle of civilized accomplishment for niggers left to their own devices.

Everything known about the Sentinelese was derived mostly from encounters with the other Andaman island animals. In the mid 1800's the British controlled areas gave home to a penal colony on Greater Andaman whose workers were usually sent out to make roads, housing, and other improvements. The Jarawa responded to these improvements in typical fashion with regular chimp outs, setting up ambushes, killing and raping as they could. The British finally got sick of this and decided that a retaliatory raid was in order and up to 70 niggers were made good. The chief boon then organized what must to his mind have been a sure fire solution [oops they didn't have "fire" nevermind], a massive chimp out of almost 1,500 apes. "Fifteen hundred naked warriors came charging out of the jungle, straight up against the guns of a British warship, with predictably ghastly results." This method of ending a chimpout should be noted by historians as THE ONLY way to live peacefully alongside niggers, i.e. make sure they're dead. Sadly though, the British didn't learn this and the niggers employed the typical nigger backup strategy, they moved in and became parasites on their betters: "Right after this and quite unaccountably, the natives started wandering out into the settlement and behaving like friends: odd, bright-eyed little people whose merry air suggested that they had forgotten there had ever been bloodshed. The Andamanese would ask for gifts (coconuts, bananas, and, before long, tobacco and liquor) and make amiable sport with the British soldiers, plucking at the brigadesmen's red coats and pulling on their whiskers. They even began coming voluntarily to live in the "Andamanese Home," [I.E. they moved into the neighborhood after getting their asses kicked and pretended to be friendly].

After the hard won victory over the niggers, English clergymen and educators who were handpicked for their intelligence and conscientiousness were entrusted with the task of civilizing them [an impossible task to this day]. "They tried various techniques. Some did their best to teach the aborigines about clothing and the alphabet; others, attempting to win the natives' trust, smeared themselves with ochre body paint and joined in the tribal dances. They didn't make much progress either way. How could decent social behavior be taught to people whose culture had no concept of individual property, privacy, or political authority? How could Christianity be understood by people who - while they believed in various spirits, both benign and malignant - undertook no form of religious worship? How could math and science be imparted to people whose language had no numerals higher than three?" Indeed. You can't teach a dog to be a person it just doesn't work. The best bet is to realize what a dog is and try to make the most of its talents while keeping its more dangerous habits in check. This works for dogs but sadly not for niggers especially niggers who can't count past three. As humans we should note that niggers have never needed to count past the number three, three being the essential number of needs and wants for niggers - if they can't fuck it, eat it, or kill it, they have no use for it. That is the nigger trinity.
Whenever someone babbles on about Wakanda, the fictional black paradise that would've resulted without white colonialism, I tell them we have that for real -- North Sentinel island. There's your black paradise.