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Door knobs, peanut butter, and more?

Those invention could be of great value for the advancement for Mankind. BUT...

Although I am a huge admirer of Jules Vernes, a person I personally had the opportunity to speak to, and I see in his visions of a mechanical submersible an already-fulfilled prophecy, I have my doubts that doorknobs and peanut butter are technically feasible and consider the ideas of a fringe group of excellent negro scientists to be a fata morgana, even tho I aspire a lot to their idealism and the greater inspiration it gifts to the scientific community.

I've studied Galileo, Nostradamus, Descartes, DaVinci, Maxwell and Newton to name just a few. Plans for flying machines, yes. But never ever have I seen anyone of those greatest minds making fantastic promises for door knobs or peanut butter. I regret I have to admit that I believe those inventions will remain a fantasy for ever. How should it be possible, what genius mind could come up with such an innovation? I fear these rumors could cause a lot of misery by creating false hopes among the uneducated masses, especially the wage slaves and other have-nots.