British Nigger "Nurses" Get their Kids to do Homework for them


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I've come across a looong Twitter thread of British niggers admitting to doing their mom's or aunt's nursing homework for them.


Niggers get helped across the line by their woke teachers anyway.

Most niggers can hardly read or write so they claim they have dyslexia, so because of this they can claim free laptops to do their coursework on, free reading aids so they can dictate their work instead of writing it down or tapping it out on a keyboard and lots of extra one on one tuition so their feeble egos can get stroked enough to get these burdens through their dumbed down degrees.

It's a real grinding struggle to get these monkey dimwits through these expensive degrees, paid for by whitey of course, plus these burdens hoover up all the free scholerships, taking all the spots of much more intelligent, deserving and financially poor or working class whites, who don't stand a chance of getting even so much as a look in. It's a real waste of time and resourses letting these worthless parasites fumble their incompetent way through a degree.
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