Beetlejuice says we need more gun control

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member
Lightfoot said that many of the shooting cases in the city are due to illegal guns, a problem she said is not unique to Chicago.

“What we will likely learn as the details become clearer is that illegal guns continue to plague us. Gun violence continues to have a deep and painful history in our city,” Lightfoot said. “Unfortunately, Chicago is not unique. We are part of a club of cities for which no one wants to belong, cities with mass shootings.”

Some people causing car accidents are drunk that's why we have to forbid everyone to drive as well as to drink... We have to forbid drinking water because you can't optically distinguish it from vodka...

All laws in the world won't replace good education.
All good education in the world won't replace the primitiveness in the dindus' hearts & minds.
All hearts & minds praying for a change or denying reality won't affect those immutable truths.
All humans in the world need to know this!

Chicago needs a "pet" or "pest control" more than "federal gun control" which in itself is a BS word construction since federally, through the constitution, the right to own and bear arms should not be infringed...

The Kween of Chicago should abdicate. For the work she "produces" she needs to be defunded completely. Defund the Sasquatch now, the Sasquatch has to go!


It doesn't matter if the guns are illegal or not, niggers will always continue their ways of monkeyshines. In countries where guns are banned or highly restricted, niggers there still manage to find ways around it.


Well-known member
The UK actually has more murders committed with machine guns as the weapon than the USA does, because the black market sells machine guns there instead of just basic guns like are sold at stores and then end up on the black market in the USA. The black market will always fill any demand, and won't care about machine gun bans either when there isn't a ready supply of semi auto firearms to sell to customers. They would rather smuggle in the machine guns because it is just as easy and they can make more money that way in the same time and with the same risk.