Barbie Domestic Violence Doll


Keeper of the Truth
"Can I have a pack of condoms?" I asked the pharmacist.
"A small box?" he asked.
"I hope so!" I replied.

I work with a Chinese guy called Kim and one time at a works function, we were having a drink and I said to him "Do you ever get fed up of us Westerners saying that all Chinese people look the same"?
He replied "Kim's at the bar getting drinks, I'm his wife"

I've just brought home the Barbie 'Domestic Violence' doll for my daughter.
Why would you buy stuff like that?
Because she has a black Ken she never plays with.

"Now class, put your hands up if you know anything about police officers."
"You only have to put one hand up, Leroy."

When Michelle Obama moved into the White House, she excitedly told CNN the first thing she saw on TV was King Kong.
After this embarrassment, the secret service dropped presentation of the camera surveillance system from the house tour.