Anybody watch Hardcore Pawn?


Well-known member
I came across the videos on Youtube from the show Hardcore Pawn. It's unbelievable how fucked in the head these savage negro beasts are! They just cannot comprehend anything! It's what they want, how they want it, and they want it NOW regardless of if it's within policy or the law!!

Stupidest savages on the face of the earth!

I used to be a God lover until I realized he created this curse of a race upon us!


Used to watch it regularly when it was scheduled on cable, and now catch segmnents on youtube. Agree that the groids can be disgustingly entertaining due to their total stupidity and lack of anything that resembles manners and decency. I do also like the sassy daughter Ashley who doesn't take any shit from niggers.

Black Gorilla Jr.

Well-known member
I’ll have to look this up…

Satan created the niggers.. no question in my mind about that.. God gave us the bible that told us to rule this planet and put the niggers in their place… 2 peters 2:12-14… savage beasts meant to be taken and destroyed