Another nigger killing day in the USA


Every time a nigger kills a productive human member of society, there's less tax money going into the system. Naturally, this should reduce the amount of gibs a nigger receives, but somehow both at the federal and state level, they can go deep negative on their bank account and still manage to provide gibs to niggers.

Niggers are apes

Well-known member
Every time a nigger kills a productive human member of society, there's less tax money going into the system. Naturally, this should reduce the amount of gibs a nigger receives, but somehow both at the federal and state level, they can go deep negative on their bank account and still manage to provide gibs to niggers.
That's not how it works. White tax slaves are more productive than nigger ape slaves who produce nothing. So it makes sense for the ruling class to promote the nigger to overseer and exploit the white slave to his maximum potential.