nigger hate

  1. Adolf Floydnite

    Niglets are foul

    Two summers ago, I volunteered at an elementary school. It was in a normal neighborhood, but when I walked in, the first thing I saw was NIGGERS. This whole school was filled to the brim with those smelly coons. When you work with them while they're young, it really brings to light just how...
  2. Adolf Floydnite

    How black can i be

    How black can i possibly be
  3. nate higgers99

    Introductory hello

    Hello Chimpout community, I'm an ex non-racist raised in a very anti racism home who grew to just absolutely hate niggers along with the filth and degeneracy their people create. Happy to find places like this that exist on the internet, not a day goes by where I don't type something like "anti...