Blog showing nigger on white crime


Well-known member
With more cameras being available these days (through cell phones, GoPro's, etc...), if everyone started doing their part to record these nigger crimes in action and start mass uploading them on social media platforms and all over the Internet, I'm sure a lot more whites will wake up and take notice how serious the nigger situation is in America.
One problem with that, you leave yourself open for attack for pointing a camera at a nigger, niggers at work do that when I'm leaning in the counter and texting something, they get all uppity like I'm recording then sitting on their asses and not working.


Well-known member
They don't like you making niggers look Truthful as to what they are.
So very sad but true. Imagine if every white person in America today consciously knew the truth about niggers.

Imagine by BCDirt

Imagine there's no niggers
It's easy if you try
No niggers among us
No one to get robbed by
Imagine only people, niggers gone away

Imagine there's no niggers
It isn't hard to do
No one to rape or kill you
And no whiggers too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no niggers
I wonder if you can
No need for greedy niggers
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
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Our esteemed member @NiggerGeorgeFloyd found this. Pity it's only nigger on white crime, would be interesting to see the crimes against Asian and Latin American folks.
Yea and its a shame the media wants to act like that can literally never happen. They think only hoodlum niggaz are victims of senseless violent crimes. When in reality their the ones who cause the most senseless violent crimes, cause problems everywhere they go and act like rude assholes for no reason. A drug dealing asshole who beats his gf all the time will get killed by a cop and blm will act like hes a martyr. Nobody is going to miss those assholes anyways they all had a rap sheet a mile long and BLM will literally act like they only got killed by a cop for no reason other then they were black. Which is retarded. This is the true shit they dont want people to know.
Yea and its a shame the media wants to act like that can literally never happen. They think only hoodlum niggaz are victims of senseless violent crimes. When in reality their the ones who cause the most senseless violent crimes, cause problems everywhere they go and act like rude assholes for no reason. A drug dealing asshole who beats his gf all the time will get killed by a cop and blm will act like hes a martyr. Nobody is going to miss those assholes anyways they all had a rap sheet a mile long and BLM will literally act like they only got killed by a cop for no reason other then they were black. Which is retarded. This is the true shit they dont want people to know.
Niggers are inborn criminals when they see a cop they cRap their pants and flee like mice. Lol!



Well-known member

Our esteemed member @NiggerGeorgeFloyd found this. Pity it's only nigger on white crime, would be interesting to see the crimes against Asian and Latin American folks.

THANK YOU for posting this!! This is hands down, the most articulate example of FACTUAL evidence regarding niggers that I have read to date.. the best part? It’s written without hatred or “racism” and the author even condemns racism at one point. Of course, the niggers in the comments still cry “racist” bc that is the only way they know to defend themselves from the truth about their pathetic existence. Deflection is their only defense. As valid as it is to be racist against these creatures, factual, intelligent literature like this is our only hope for getting those who discredit every statement made against niggers with malice and disgust, no matter how justified to actually open their minds and listen..


Well-known member

Our esteemed member @NiggerGeorgeFloyd found this. Pity it's only nigger on white crime, would be interesting to see the crimes against Asian and Latin American folks.
Great site and information!! It really just confirms what we all know...FUCKING NIGGERS ARE THE MOST VIOLENT, RACIST ANIMALS ON THE PLANET!!


Well-known member
Black niggers attack elderly White White Men, Elderly White Women, White Women, White children, and vulnerable White people...
Always be careful, and watch those black nigger bastards...
Back in the early 1980's a nigger broke into a house and raped my good friend's elderly grandmother.
Niggers prey on the elderly and disabled just like a Gorilla would do in the wild.


Well-known member
That's why we have upload-filters, AI on youtube & co. I remember when the "this is library" video went viral a few years ago, there quickly was one version in the youtube results - I think it was even the original upload - that had all faces blurred by an algorithm. Today they prefer to censor everything all together, but how can you know that the video you are seeing is "real" when they use such methods. This all invasive technology is more used against us as the other way around. We can't manufacture it "at home" either, so we are nearly defenseless against it. There are backdoors built-in and either you lose all your data or someone made a safety copy of Hunter Biden's laptop on your smart phone the moment the cops ring at your door.

However, humans are recording & uploading a lot for years now, and that's a main reason why they have to censor so much, because they are at war with truth in general. Everything gets quickly flagged or disappears in a shady corner of the internet where nobody ventures. We might be 10x as many as we think, or we might have 100x, 1000x more voices on our side than what we are allowed to perceive. We are not allowed to connect and to network, and neither to inform the public about dangers.

Anyway this is said video that got somehow quickly blurred back then (but not everywhere or for ever)

Just think if all us like minded people were to UNITE against TNB and their liberal allies! We would solve the nigger problem in a snap of a finger.
Just think if all us like minded people were to UNITE against TNB and their liberal allies! We would solve the nigger problem in a snap of a finger.

Just think if all us like minded people were to UNITE against TNB and their liberal allies! We would solve the nigger problem in a snap of a finger.

Well said::thumbsup:

We will never be able to live in peace together, they are the real planet of the apes.

Everyone kissed enforced diversity
(We breathe exhaust)
In the new arcade
(Of the human holocaust)


Well-known member

Our esteemed member @NiggerGeorgeFloyd found this. Pity it's only nigger on white crime, would be interesting to see the crimes against Asian and Latin American folks.
I've been a victim of nigger crime 5 times in my life.
The world would be a better place without them.