Who said this?

There is also the constant fear of death that is hammered into people, something we have inherited from the commies and the painter's party. The two most powerful natural inner forces a human is subjected to, as it is said. Fears, in the form of the cliffhanger effect and other tricks, are used relentlessly against the public. And in most of the cases the institutions and companies do the exact opposite of what they are pretending, e.g. they sell anti-dandruff shampoos that will cause more dandruff or make the consumer dependent, like with legal & illegal drugs...

Fear is said to be even stronger that the sexual desire, they said they found out in the soviet union... they had a lot of gruesome experiments going on there. Fear, as well as sexual desire, overrides reason and narrows the perception. But fear can stay for much much longer than a sexual desire that can be easily satisfied.

That's why they use a lot of fear now, to push their major changes - but they always did so, anyways. How far does it go back? Since the so called ideal of the balance of terror, or more since the first organized conflicts emerged, since the first sorcerers, astrologers or shamans tricked people into serving them. How much of it is organic and how much is the result of a parasite and how much that fear is scientifically engineered. I think it's a mixture of everything, and we are getting fleeced and betrayed with never seen scientific precision.

Shaming, virtue signaling etc are also part of that game. Sexuality has been mostly destroyed and deformed, fear is now the driving force for all changes; and fear is bad, because it makes people do stupid and unnecessary evil things, especially when they are confused on purpose and lead like animals to the slaughterhouse.

The painter said the first reason for cowardice is physical weakness; I think he is partially right. But I think humans can be weakened, softened by comfort, and social (psychological) insecurity even more than by physical weakness. Comfort is the first corrupter, and weakness and fear are the second, imo, sometimes a result of #1. But nowadays we do as much sports as never before, have the "best" diets if we want to... Comfort lowers the wish to take risks, except if you suffer from "affluenza". Why take a risk as long as you feel right, says the brain... Unnecessary risks are stupid and lead to unnecessary earlier deaths. Our "owners" are masters in training us to be cowards and clapping seals, slaves & robots.