While I can't speak for the rest of you..... (Part one of two)

For the sake of clarity and any further discussion, the terms "Moron","Retard","Dim","Imbecile","Idiot" or "Kanye West" are not offered in a derogatory sense but rather as an intellectual "Milestone" to describe and differentiate certain levels of IQ.
Hatred is such a waste of energy and something reserved for my exwife and any piece of literal shit like Kanye West.

Racism as I try to understand it, makes no sense.
Where a person is from or their lineage is irrelevant to me but there is a connection between intelligence and region of origin.
The smartest man I have met so far was from Jamaica.
He said to me; "Never be greedy for love or for money but be greedy for knowledge. It is the only thing you can truly call your own and the one thing that can never be taken from you."

They way I see it, the foundation for what is now termed "Racism" was not originally about hate but rather as a method of ensuring survival of the species.
If we were all one species of human, we could all be wiped out by the same disease. By maintaining those differences, we ensure survival.
Just as we have found with dogs and horses, being bred too closely even of superior stock has long term negative issues.
As far as the American negroid argument, they were poorly bred from already inbred stock so it cannot be a surprise that these people offer little more than problems or other "Primitive behaviors".
No hate, but no excuses either.

One of the "Natural Laws" was only the strong shall survive. Nature keeps trying to help us out by getting rid of the weak but humanity resists.
Much of it may be from some Judaeo / Christian notion of human superiority and "Dominion" or just plain vanity under the cloak of scientific research but the fact is some people are just too stupid to live. Taking care of them does create jobs and "busy work" but consumes more resources than can be justified.
The purge offered by Germany in the 1930's had nothing to do with hatred or race. They were just trying to get rid of the weak and worthless much like nature would and that was not limited to just the Jews. When the Jews arrived (again) for what would be the last time, they were accepted because the Germans thought they had compatible interests; (business oriented, no sense of humor, greedy, ruthless, etc.)
The Jews hyper-inflated the German economy and were hoarding items of concentrated value and refused to contribute to the effort.
They were killed and burned to recover the gold and diamonds they had ingested when they were captured.
It takes 725,000 pounds per square inch, and at temperatures of 2000 – 2200 degrees Fahrenheit to create diamonds so the heat of the furnaces (around 1400°F) would not have ruined the diamonds nor the gold (melting point 1943°F) as some people need to believe.
Again, Not hate. they just wanted the resources that they bring.
Gold and diamonds aren't worth much as a resource with the exception of trade based on their "suggested value", they are however crucial for various types of advanced engineering and manufacture.

The Jews made it about hate so they could be the victims stating the Germans were jealous because the Jews were the self proclaimed "chosen ones" (and because they were in control of the media driven "popular story" even back then) effectively arranged for the American gentiles to rid the world of other gentiles to end the threat of Radical Fascism.
Now, the blacks are trying to make it about hatred so they can be the victims because they would never admit to being retarded and the liberals are more than happy to give them the media coverage which will inevitably lead to an all out race war.
It has been said for many years and by many sources that the strings of the world start in Jerusalem.
Not that I would advocate that level of control to any group, but had the German agenda been effective, (nothing at all to do with Hitler's puppet show) we would not have any of the problems we have now.
There would be no problems with the economy or resources, race and liberal retardation because the global population would be less than 10% of what it is.
Of course, because of my mongrel lineage, myself and my entire family and others that wouldn't rate with the "Ideal human model" would have been killed but the species would be far stronger.
The "Final Solution" was far more radical than the previous effort several decades and centuries previously but as they say "Enough was enough".
For what it's worth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Germany
If the Germans were ever as racist as the popular opinion dictates, they would not have been allied to Japan, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria, Sweden and Norway during the first and second world wars.

Asians are the most racist of us all and because of that, they are in many cases the smartest. Though they do have some other problems.
I guess their long term plan was to take over but there was some political changes or resource issues that made it impossible to move and they all stayed where they were but still bred as if they were going to branch out.
The same theory doesn't hold for India.
Like the U.S., India has a wide range of intelligence with all the problems and advantages of a first world country but unlike the U.S. or Asia, they lack the resources and available medical services.
A friend of mine once said that the concept of the Indian deities having multiple arms and legs was because of all the birth defects and half absorbed conjoined twins. All anomalies that any other country would have aborted. Especially Japan.
They also have the in-surge of Muslims which are proving to be as much of a problem there as they seem to be everywhere else because all they want to do is screw. One would think there would be fewer problems between Hindus and Muslims as they seem to have more similarities than differences.
Being that they can't get along with anyone, not even with other Muslims, is a clearly an indication of something very wrong.

People of Nordic regions are considered by nearly everyone to be the prettiest. They also have the best numbers educationally and have offered the world much in invention and culture. Inversely, People of the African continent and the darker parts of Asia have offered very little if anything with the exception of low intellect and disease both genetic and acquired.
Again, breeding.

end of part one