U of Kentucky sends humans to "White accountability space"

DJ StoopNig

The Honorable Reverend Doctor DJ StoopNig, Esquire
Staff member
The separate trainings were provided to Young America’s Foundation through the organization’s Campus Bias Tip Line, which included emails and documents about the training. White RAs were sent to a “White Accountability Space” where they were given a document that listed 41 “common racist behaviors and attitudes of white people.”

Number one on the list states that white people “believe they have ‘earned’ what they have, rather than acknowledge the extensive white privilege and unearned advantages they receive” and “believe that if people of color just worked harder…” The list also includes claims that white people don’t “notice the daily indignities that people of color experience; deny them and rationalize them away with PLEs (perfectly logical explanations),” “resent taking direction from a person of color,” and tend to ask “people of color to repeat what they have said.”



Under Secretary to the Sub-Committee
My white privileged life has provided so much! Maybe, I should stop working to fully take advantage of it‘s benefits.