Thanks for the add, down with Jigaboos!


Active member
Welcome on board, yes we made a big mistake in trying to elevate the nigger above it’s station.
It simply doesn’t work with them, too stupid and impulsive, they will never ‘get’ civilised society.


Well-known member
Welcome, much agreed, why any civilization wants these things is a mystery
No civilization wants them. Even the majority of people in western countries hate, fear, and instinctively avoid them. We are simply too afraid of the brow beating and being called racist, so we cowardly capitulate to the demands of the minority. Only a small minority of whites most of whom have not been exposed to niggers or TNB truly believe the foolish notion that they are just like us with darker skin. Nowadays I could lose my job and be branded for life if a recording of me saying something racist were broadcasted on a social media network.