Sexual harassment


Keeper of the Truth
Lil' Shanika comes home from skoo,
"Mammy mammy, I'se been chosen to play Mary in da skoo nativity play."
"Lawdy, keed, das awesome."
"Yeah mammy, I trynna beez like u, pregnant wit no clue who da daddy beez."

I always keep the sexual harassment claim forms in the bottom drawer of my desk.
That way, when she bends down to get one, I get a great view of her ass.

Russ Cook from West Sussex, ran 360 marathons in 240 days across Africa.
And the natives cry about having to walk three miles to get a bucket of water.
Lazy cunts.

If I had a pound for every gender there is... I'd have two pounds.

A man goes to an interview for a job in Tel Aviv.
Interviewer: In order to work for us, you first need to kill 10 Palestinian children and a cat.
Man: Why a cat?
Interviewer: You're hired!