San Francisco Cleans Up Homeless Encampments Ahead of Chairman Xi's Visit—and the Griping Has Started


They could use the FEMA trains to transport them to an undisclosed location "to start a new happy life, with a future and prosperity".
You almost can't beat California's weather, if you're homeless. As more and companies leave California, this leaves a lot of empty buildings for the taking by the homeless. It'll just be a matter of time before California becomes a real-life Mad Max (or worse). When that days comes, I'd be scared of just walking the streets alone, since many of those high-rise buildings are excellent vantage points for sniping, dropping dangerous things on top of unsuspecting people, etc...


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New Minority

Realistically they could be rounded up like the dogs of Sosi, and no one would know. I wouldn't put it past the Biden administration based on what I seen in the Obama administration.
There is a blatant lack of recognition of people and their rights that are healthy taxpayers, much less those with mental and addiction issues.