Nighttime Riots in the Streets of Dublin After Nigger Rumored to Be Algerian Immigrant Stabs Three Children

The further you get way from Central Europe (i.e. Frankfurt, Germany, and this aka this), the more the endemic populations become morally grounded, gifted with common sense and feeling rightful indignation.

They use the same phrases in Ireland like over here "no terrorist " blabla or what ever. Just like "knife crime" etc. they always have straw man arguments and decoys, watered-down expressions and no-brainers like "random attack" or "single/unique case" (Einzelfall). It's refreshing to see the Irish protest & strongly oppose this evil.
On another (now closed) thread I’d suggested we had no idea about the perpetrator because the truth would be worse than the rumors flying around.

Did some digging and links in the Irish news mention this Algerian-born turd was already arrested 5 months ago on knife charges. Obviously, he was released. His family informed the authorities of his dangerousness repeatedly and sought help - only for nothing to happen. The family said he had a brain tumor and had not been the same since. Because Ireland has nationalized/socialized medicine, it appears again the government knew about this shitbag’s problems but did nothing.

Yeah - the government wants to keep the wraps on this. They dropped the ball and the people suffered. Shame…