Niggers and pets


I retired 12 years ago, and have been involved in animal rescue since then. I mostly help find places for animals that have been dumped, left behind, abused, etc. They all have a sad story. It's shameful what people do to animals, mostly cats and dogs. The worst was a pitbull named Buddy, who was beaten with a hammer, fracturing his skull in 3 places and blinding him. Then, the worthless Nigger dumped him at the shelter. (the director is my friend and hates niggers, too) I adopted him a week later. He was the best dog I ever had, you couldn't tell he was blind. Niggers don't volunteer, donate money, or adopt many animals. They get pitbulls to guard their nigger nest, and love to brag about paying $2,000 for a purebred whatever.

Black Gorilla Jr.

Well-known member
We needed an animal bill of rights decades ago… and we need the death penally back and expanded. Thank you for your services to animals.. i donate to several rescues.