Nigger axe murderer...

While the accusations against him are very serious, I only want to see in him the noble migrant he wants to be. 🙃

He improved food security in Zimbabwe by removing 6 niggers.

I say let him go because of covid nobody can go to prison anyway.

There is also too much xenophobia in south africa already, niggers calling other niggers from somalia "black cats" and so on. A sentence would only stigmatize those precarious demographics even more! 😢

I see a noble migrant, a resourceful population micro-manager, young and full of energy. May the goblins be with him.


There's no crime when niggers are axing other niggers. I wonder if the nigger was also trying to axe its other wives, coonsidering that niggers in Africa usually have anywhere from 5 to 20 wives each.