Nate’s Fine Dining Guide For Nigs

Nate Higgerz

Well-known member
I was watching a minute ago an awesome post about a traditional nagger troop’s excursion to a local diner for a family meal.

Unfortunately it seemed that fambly did not have a very good grasp on etiquette at a restaurant for people of their complexion. Being an expert at it (Major in Black Studies and binge watcher of BET), I thought I could write them a guide on how to behave properly at a restaurant.

1- Choose the appropriate “joint”.

Fancy restaurants with a dress code? Well, not for a “real nigga” or “boss babe” like you! You gotta show YT how oppressed you is by eating at your local Waffle House. If that’s not available, look for the cheapest restaurant white people go. That will sure get them going.

2- Dress Appropriately

You don’t want Quanisha’ae to be center of attention as always! Make sure to dress like the crack whore you “is”. Besides, you never know when DeMarquis will be looking at that “phat ass”. The key is skin, the more we can see your stretch marks and cellulite the better the outfit will be.

3- Do let the restaurant staff know if the food is good!

Who doesn’t like receiving compliments on their fried chicken seasoning or watermelon dessert? If that “joint is the shieet”, please let your waiter know so by throwing a chair or tossing Shaniqua 15 feet across the room. All that shit on her head is fake anyways so it shouldn’t hurt if you grab her by the wig.

4- Feel empowered to raise any concerns you have with management.

Let’s face it, sometimes things don’t go the way they’re planned. Specially if you are bringing a large group of people like your 13 baby mamas and their grandmas. If any of you have any issues, don’t hesitate to bring to the attention of management that you are sticking up the joint. While you’re at it, make whitey pay for the bad service. After all, it’s their fault anyways.

5- Getting the Check

After a plentiful meal surrounded by almost everyone in your family (dads are getting the milk). Kindly get the attention of your server and request the check. While he/she does that, choose the two youngest “chillums” in your troop who have the highest chance of surviving juvie and have them try to kill each other in public. Not only it is an oh-so-fun thing to watch, it will allow you ample time to make a quick exit out the front door without paying.

Now you know how to have a hell of a fine dining experience with our favorite 13% of the population.

Tune in next week and we’ll go over the best recipe for roasted niglet. I heard it’s quite popular down in Apefrica.


Well-known member
You forgot to add 'that the portions are not big enough". Throw in the race card too, complain that YT is getting better service. If its a buffet, be sure to turn the niglets loose, and encourage them to whoop and holler and do ethic dances. After all its national nigger month.


I was watching a minute ago an awesome post about a traditional nagger troop’s excursion to a local diner for a family meal.

Unfortunately it seemed that fambly did not have a very good grasp on etiquette at a restaurant for people of their complexion. Being an expert at it (Major in Black Studies and binge watcher of BET), I thought I could write them a guide on how to behave properly at a restaurant.

1- Choose the appropriate “joint”.

Fancy restaurants with a dress code? Well, not for a “real nigga” or “boss babe” like you! You gotta show YT how oppressed you is by eating at your local Waffle House. If that’s not available, look for the cheapest restaurant white people go. That will sure get them going.

2- Dress Appropriately

You don’t want Quanisha’ae to be center of attention as always! Make sure to dress like the crack whore you “is”. Besides, you never know when DeMarquis will be looking at that “phat ass”. The key is skin, the more we can see your stretch marks and cellulite the better the outfit will be.

3- Do let the restaurant staff know if the food is good!

Who doesn’t like receiving compliments on their fried chicken seasoning or watermelon dessert? If that “joint is the shieet”, please let your waiter know so by throwing a chair or tossing Shaniqua 15 feet across the room. All that shit on her head is fake anyways so it shouldn’t hurt if you grab her by the wig.

4- Feel empowered to raise any concerns you have with management.

Let’s face it, sometimes things don’t go the way they’re planned. Specially if you are bringing a large group of people like your 13 baby mamas and their grandmas. If any of you have any issues, don’t hesitate to bring to the attention of management that you are sticking up the joint. While you’re at it, make whitey pay for the bad service. After all, it’s their fault anyways.

5- Getting the Check

After a plentiful meal surrounded by almost everyone in your family (dads are getting the milk). Kindly get the attention of your server and request the check. While he/she does that, choose the two youngest “chillums” in your troop who have the highest chance of surviving juvie and have them try to kill each other in public. Not only it is an oh-so-fun thing to watch, it will allow you ample time to make a quick exit out the front door without paying.

Now you know how to have a hell of a fine dining experience with our favorite 13% of the population.

Tune in next week and we’ll go over the best recipe for roasted niglet. I heard it’s quite popular down in Apefrica.
Does it involve a secret blend of 11 herbs and spices?