Monkeypox is back, this time with enhanced lethality

New Minority

If it wasn't for some mudshark professor back in 86 getting me expelled because I had disproven the out of Africa theory with basic facts when she was showcasing it to some visiting peers, I could have isolated the alleles and made my prion that would affect people by race. This exact work is being researched today, and my concept was ahead of it's time. There could have been a black free world. Sadly, prion based encephalitis isn't very common in Africa.

DePlasmatikon Gibs

Jr. Administration
Staff member
Monkeypox is back, only this time it has a new variant that kills 10% of the people who get it.

Currently, the disease is still in Africa, but that can change. For that reason, it’s time (again) that we talk about the problem of promiscuity among gay men, since they were monkeypox’s primary vector in 2022.
After that, maybe we should talk about promiscuity among niggers, because sodomy is banned in most of Africa yet they have the biggest spread of AIDS and monkeypox.
